There is no doubt that Japanese women are eye candy. Slender, demure and attractive, the turn heads wherever they go. They are not only slim but also hold the secret keys to longevity. Moreover, women in Japan are some of the longest living on Earth. Just what are their secrets to having slender figures and living long lives?

10 Must-Share Secrets of Japanese Women

1. Exercise

For a start, exercise is a part of a Japanese woman’s way of life. The Japanese integrate workouts into their busy schedules whenever possible. They ferry themselves around by walking and often take the stairs instead of lifts.

2. Dieting Principles

Japanese women have a unique approach to food, one which is worth adopting. They are not overwhelmed by dieting like their Western counterparts; they eat different foods in small amounts.

3. Small portions

You may notice that the food you order in Japanese restaurants comes in small bowls so that they do not cause you to feel bloated. Cooks never fill plates completely, and they arrange food to be aesthetically pleasing. The arrangement makes one feel too guilty to eat. You will be compelled to down it in small amounts.

4. Home-Cooked Meals

The Japanese enjoy home-cooked meals of grilled fish, rice, and simmered vegetables. The Japanese are voracious consumers of fish and eat about 10% of the world’s supply. The omega acids they take in explain their health and longevity.

5. Smart Cooking Techniques

Japanese women intentionally cook their cuisine lightly. They steam, grill, saute simmer or quickly stir-fry their food. They also use heart-friendly oils and cook their food in broths. Dressings are light, yet satisfying.

6. A Power Breakfast

Japanese ladies eat a power breakfast, but not the kind you may expect. Breakfast is a typically big meal, with miso soup and a variety of small dishes. It gives them an extra push without being too filling.

7. Fewer Desserts

The Japanese eat few desserts; sugary treats are not customary. Though they do enjoy an occasional ice-cream, it is a small amount and typically contain less sugar.

8. Only Rice

Steamed rice is the main carbohydrate source for Japanese woman. The Japanese diet contains no bread, so there is hardly any refined wheat flour. These days, white rice has been replaced by the brown variety. It is a less refined carbohydrate.

9. No Liquids during Meals

The Japanese never drink while eating, because they believe in keeping the body warm. Liquids cool the body and neutralize the acids needed for digestion. You expend more energy to process food, which leaves you feeling hungry.

10. Hot Baths

Dipping in hot, springs is part of Japanese culture. They calm you and relax your muscles. The Japanese get the level of water up to the heart and soak at temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius.

Key Staples in a Japanese Diet

A Japanese Woman’s diary may contain another secret: the food she eats. These typical Japanese diet staples keep her slim and healthy.

1. Rice

Rice is present at most Asian meals. It is a must-have at every Japanese table. Rice deters the effects of sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fat. Being low in sodium, it manages hypertension and relaxes the cardiovascular system. For a healthier meal, choose brown rice, which has a lower glycemic index.

2. Soybeans

The Japanese consume about 50g of soy a day. Soy increases metabolic activity and boosts your energy. Soybeans are a top protein source; they assist the repairing of cells. Soybeans build lean muscle, which explains their presence in many meal replacement powders. The antioxidants in them neutralize free radicals and prevent cancer.

Soy is a source of unsaturated fat and lowers cholesterol. It prevents conditions like atherosclerosis. The isoflavones in it alleviate the symptoms of menopause. A rich fiber source, they ease digestion.

If you want to prevent osteoporosis, eat soy. It has impressive levels of calcium.

3. Vegetables

Any Japanese woman will tell you that vegetables are a major part of her diet. The Japanese consume about five times as many cruciferous vegetables (bok choy, broccoli, and cabbage) as Americans. Health-giving seaweed, of course, is found in almost every bowl of Miso soup.

4. Noodles

Japanese women eat buckwheat noodles with a variety of dipping sauces. Besides being cholesterol-free, they have fewer proteins and carbohydrates. A cup of these noodles has 0.46g of metabolism-regulating manganese. Buckwheat noodles supply 18.5 % of a person’s required daily intake of the compound. They also provide 12% of the lean protein needed by a healthy adult.

5. Green Tea

Green tea is now one of a Japanese woman’s worst-kept secrets. Research by Serafini M et al. reveals its health-giving polyphenols and high antioxidant activity.

Many weight-loss supplements have green tea on their lists of ingredients. Research by Kirsten Dispavena et al. proves that it has thermogenic (fat-burning) mechanisms.

6. Fish

Fish is another slimming secret of Japanese women. The Japanese tussle consistently with environmental groups about overfishing. The Omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish like tuna and salmon explain how the Japanese manage to stay slim and youthful.

7. Fruits

Fresh fruit is an often-included part of the Japanese diet. Most fruits are low in fat, calories, and sodium. They are sources of antioxidants and fiber, minerals that help weight loss. Fruits like banana have high levels of potassium and reduce hypertension.

A Japanese woman’s secrets to good health are not well-guarded; you can access them. They are weight-loss practices that are easy and familiar.


Michelle Liew, B.A.

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