Do you look at the floor and gasp because you see frightening clumps of hair?

Perhaps you are eating too many foods that cause hair loss. Fret not because there are foods that protect your crowning glory.

You may attribute hair loss to a poor diet. Life Advancer introduces you to the foods that cause hair loss, and to those that stop it.

Causes of hair loss

Hair loss doesn’t happen without reason. So what causes hair to drop off the scalp?

1. Family history

First of all, one of the most common causes of hair loss is male or female pattern baldness. This type of hair reduction usually happens gradually and in a predictable way. Men will have receding hairlines and bald spots. Women will notice their hair starts to thin.

When you begin to lose hair is also dependent on family history. Hair fall may start as early as puberty. The hair may become thin and undergo miniaturization (become shorter).

2. Physical Conditions

A host of physical conditions may also cause hair loss. Hormonal changes may result in temporary imbalances due to childbirth, pregnancy or menopause. They, in turn, cause hair fall. Problems with the thyroid gland may also cause hair to recede. Patchy hair loss, or alopecia areata, is non-scarring.

It happens when the immune system attacks hair follicles. They leave behind smooth, round bald patches. Ringworm and other infections may invade the hair and skin. They leave scaly patches and trigger hair loss. Hair grows back once treated. Scarring diseases like Lupus, Lichen Planus, and Sarcoidosis also cause hair to fall.

Finally, a person who’s balding may have a hair-pulling disorder. They may feel compelled to pull the hair on all parts of their bodies.

3. Medication

Furthermore, the drugs used for chemotherapy treatments may cause a patient’s hair to fall. The medicine taken for other chronic conditions is responsible for it as well.

Foods That Cause Hair Loss

So, which are the foods that cause hair loss? Some foods are just bad for us in every way possible. Besides harming us physically, they take our crowning glories away.

1. Sugar

There isn’t much research on why sugar triggers hair loss, but experts believe that it may cause inflammation. Furthermore, foods like carbohydrates, like potatoes, bread, white rice, and pasta have a high glycemic index. They break down into sugars quickly and have the same effect.

Sugar produces insulin and androgen, the male hormone that shrinks hair follicles and causes hair loss.

2. Fish with Mercury

Dermatologists advise that fish like tuna and mackerel, which have high mercury levels, may cause hair loss. This study backs their theories and adds that the mercury in these fish converts to methylmercury, which is toxic.

3. Fried Foods

Also, high-fat, fried foods that have hydrogenated oils may trigger hair loss. Diets that are high in fat lead to an increase in testosterone levels, which lead to male pattern baldness.

4. Selenium

Another group of foods that cause hair fall is selenium. Your body needs this micromineral in small amounts. Consequently, too much of it can lead to hair loss. A potent source of selenium is the Brazil Nut. You will also find selenium in tuna, oysters, and whole wheat bread.

A review by Margaret Rayman, a Professor of Nutritional Medicine at the University of Surrey, shows that selenium is responsible for hair fall.

5. Foods high in Vitamin A

Moreover, foods high in Vitamin A may lead to hair loss. Dieticians suggest that Vitamin A in multivitamins does not compromise hair health, but it’s not wise to take it as an individual supplement.

6. Aspartame

Finally, the artificial sweetener Aspartame has links with thinning hair. It is a common ingredient in diet soda.

Though there is much room for research, there is growing support among experts regarding the damaging effects of aspartame on hair. The DermHairClinic reports that Aspartic Acid may play a part in hair fall.

Foods That Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss natural solutions

If you are worried about a lack of hair, the good news is that you can control hair fall with a proper diet. There are many foods that cause hair loss, and just as many that curb it. The right foods will boost your nutrition and, therefore, reduce hair fall.

1. Vitamin C

First of all, is Vitamin C. This compound is necessary for overall well-being. It not only helps us fight the flu but also synthesizes collagen. The lemons and oranges that we take in support hair follicles and keeps the scalp healthy.

Researchers explored the effects of an oral supplement, which contained Vitamin C, on women who experienced hair fall. They compared two groups of women, one which took a placebo, and another that consumed the supplement. The women who tried the supplement had less hair fall.

2. Load Up On Protein

We can attribute many of our hair loss problems to a lack of protein. Consuming more lean meat builds muscles and helps with weight loss. Doing so also helps reduce hair fall. This study shows that nutrient deficiency and reduced protein can lead to alopecia.

3. Take Vitamin B

The B group of vitamins also has a part in preventing hair fall. Shellfish and poultry have a good supply of pyridoxine, which prevents the graying of hair. Such foods aid in forming hemoglobin that stops hair loss.

4. Eat foods with Silica

Silica is essential to the maintenance of the skeleton. It also facilitates hair development. Foods high in silica, such as millet, wheat, barley, and red peppers are thought to prevent hair loss. As soil may diminish silica production, it’s wise to consume organic products.

5. Copper And Zinc

Also, stock up on foods high in copper and zinc. These compounds will make your hair thicker than before. They even intensify hair color and prevent premature graying. Make sure that you have a balance of the two compounds, as too much or little or other will interfere with hair production.

6. Sulfur

Yes, sulfur has links with volcanic activity. But sulfur in the human body stops inflammation, improves circulation, and, therefore, prevents hair loss. Garlic, onions, kale, Brussel sprouts, and cabbage all contain high amounts of sulfur, as do protein-rich foods.

7. Iron

Depleted iron is a top cause of hair fall in postmenopausal women, as this study reports. New mothers and postmenopausal women should stock up on iron-rich foods like liver, eggs, milk, legumes, and fish.

In all, preventing hair problems is a simple matter of avoiding the foods that cause hair loss and eating those that stimulate hair growth.

Michelle Liew, B.A.

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