Health and wellness tips on how to cope with physical and mental health issues and maintain a balance of the mind and body to feel healthy and happy.

parsley tea

Cleanse Your Kidneys Fast and Naturally with Parsley Tea

It has long been known as a beneficial herb for the kidneys and fresh parsley or parsley tea are used to detox the body. Not many herbs are as healthy and full of goodness as parsley. A lot of us grow parsley in our gardens or even just on the windowsills. We use it for cooking to add flavor to many dishes, but…

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What Happens When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Mixture

Here Is What Happens When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Mixture in the Morning

If you lead a stressful life, consume too many unhealthy food or drinks, or suffer from a chronic illness or a number of infections, then you need to read this. When your body is coping with all of these things it can become too acidic. This low pH level can lead to further diseases, inflammation, infections, lack of energy and nausea, and can…

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Too Many Toxins in Body

5 Warning Signs That You Have Too Many Toxins in Your Body

It can be all too easy to ignore what your body is trying to tell you. Your body is very clever at giving you hints about what might be wrong with you, and it's time to listen to it. Are you feeling less than 100% most of the time? Do you feel unwell on a frequent basis and aren't sure why? You may…

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Purslane - health-boosting plants

Purslane: Not Just a Weed but One of the Most Powerful Health-Boosting Plants

You may have seen it in your garden and ignored it, thinking it was just a weed. However, it’s one of the most powerful health-boosting plants in the world. So many people throw away and recycle plants from their gardens, thinking they are weeds when, in fact, they are health-boosting plants with many health benefits that are already used in the food and…

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Desk Stretches Neutralize Negative Effects of Sitting

Try These Simple Desk Stretches to Neutralize the Negative Effects of Sitting

If your job keeps you sitting for long hours, then it’s time you tried these desk stretches to neutralize the adverse health effects of sedentary lifestyle. Did you know that sitting for long hours may increase the risk of getting heart diseases, diabetes, cancer and even cause early deaths? This is especially a problem for desk workers who spend 8 hours and even…

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How to Make Lavender Lemonade

How to Make Lavender Lemonade to Stop Anxiety and Headaches

Reduce your stress levels and get rid of anxiety and headaches by making delicious lavender lemonade with the following ingredients. As our lifestyles become more hectic and our work lives more demanding we start to get that feeling that something is missing from our lives. Some people work so hard that they barely get time to think about how they should be living…

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Effective Ways to Relieve Sensitive Teeth

10 Effective Ways to Relieve Sensitive Teeth

Be it a hot cup of coffee or chocolate ice cream, if either or both make your teeth recoil in pain, then you are among the unlucky ones who have sensitive teeth. Research shows that teeth sensitivity is a widespread problem which generally occurs due to the damage of the enamel which acts a protective sheath for your teeth. This damage takes place…

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Black Seed Oil the Ancient Remedy

Black Seed Oil: an Ancient Remedy Against Numerous Diseases

Black seed oil is an ancient remedy that you really need to know about. Black seed oil, also known as black cumin seed or Nigella sativa, has been scientifically proven as a treatment for a number of cancer types, as well as other diseases and infections. The seed oil actually comes from a herb, which grows in the Mediterranean Sea and in India.…

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