You’ve missed your period but are sure that you aren’t pregnant. Why could your period be late?

Late periods are a cause for concern. They are indicative of health issues and may make changing one’s lifestyle necessary. Here is some insight for women who wonder why their period is late.

A Normal Menstrual Cycle

You are familiar with the menstrual cycle, or a change in the female reproductive system that occurs naturally. This shift is what makes pregnancy possible. So, how would you know if yours is regular?

1. It is 25 to 35 days long.

First of all, your menstrual cycle should last between 25 and 35 days. If your period lasts for 24 days in one month, 32 in another and 16 in the next, you have an irregular menstrual cycle that may need attention.

2. The blood should be bright red

Does your period look like cranberry juice? It’s probably unhealthy.

Bright red periods are a sign that there is enough blood flowing to the pelvic area. Conversely, poor uterine circulation and a slow flow may cause menstrual blood to appear dark brown. An abnormal hormonal imbalance, usually Estrogen Dominance, is responsible for menstrual blood being off-color.

3. There are changes in your cervical fluid

You might ask why you have or need cervical fluid. It indicates that you are ovulating in line with your menstrual cycle. Note that changes occur depending on the dominant hormones. You may experience a dry sensation whey it finishes.

As the level of estrogen in your body rises, it will appear opaque. It becomes wet during your ovulation period, and take on an egg-white consistency. When progesterone production starts, it will dry up and become sticky. It will stay that way until you get your next period.

4. You shouldn’t have Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.

You probably know women who tell you about their mood swings and cravings. Remember that they aren’t the norm. They indicate a lack of hormonal balance; estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and cortisol levels aren’t healthy.

5. You should only bleed during your period

You should not have irregular, or ‘breakthrough’ bleeding during the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle. It could indicate a lack of progesterone. It is the hormone that sustains your uterine lining until your cycle finishes.

Why is your period late? 10 causes of delayed periods

Missing your period when a baby isn’t due can be unnerving. There are a few factors that may be to blame.

1. Excessive exercise or weight loss

First of all, training for marathons or other extreme fitness forms can cause you to miss your periods.

Having a sedentary lifestyle may trigger painful and irregular menstrual cycles. Conversely, over-exercising can stress your body. It may shut down its regular functions, like menstruation.

2. Stress

A traumatic event can trigger hypothalamic amenorrhea. The hypothalamus regulates menstrual hormones. Stress affects it and may cause you to miss your period.

3. Thyroid Problems

Thyroid imbalances may have adverse effects on your period. The thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands, and the pituitary gland in the brand manages it. Therefore, it regulates the female hormones in the body. A damaged or malfunctioning thyroid may cause an irregular menstrual cycle.

4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS refers to a group of symptoms triggered by excess androgens, or male hormones, in women. One of the signs of these includes irregular periods and difficulty conceiving. Women who have PCOS may have related conditions like Type 2 Diabetes or Mood Disorders.

5. Obesity

Weight problems can affect your hypothalamus and interfere with your menstrual cycle. Being either under or overweight can put stress on this gland.

Being overweight can cause the body to produce too much estrogen, and cause you to have miss periods.

6. Shifts in routines

Lifestyle changes, such as going away for a holiday, can trigger changes in your menstrual cycle, a fact supported by the Cleveland Clinic. They interfere with the way your biological clock works. Your periods will become regular once your circumstances are.

7. Breastfeeding

You may not have a period for a while if you are breastfeeding. Many new mothers don’t have their periods for a few months.

Note that you can get pregnant even if you’ve missed your period, so use protection if you can’t manage another baby.

8. Medication

Birth control pills stop the body from ovulating, and that means that you won’t get your period. They thin the lining of the uterus and stem the flow of blood.

9. Perimenopause

Also, women experience menopause at the average age of 51. They have perimenopause two to eight years before this. Perimenopause is the time when the body gradually makes less estrogen.

10. illness

A cold or a sore throat may seem insignificant but stresses your body. These common illnesses can put your body under stress, and cause ovulation to occur later than it usually does.

7 natural remedies for irregular periods

You may take estrogen supplements to regulate your menstrual cycle. There are also home remedies that address the problem of a late period.

1. Unripe Papaya

First of all, unripe papaya contracts muscle fibers in the uterus. It contains the enzyme, Papai, which prepares the uterus for conception, according to this study.

You can drink the juice, but not during your periods or pregnancy because it contains high latex content that may trigger a miscarriage.

2. Tumeric

You may take turmeric with milk or honey. It has relaxing properties that relieve cramps.

It is a prized herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Turmeric has curcuminoids that give it its yellow color. The antioxidant properties help to maintain a woman’s well being. According to this review, it has characteristics that contribute to health.

3. Aloe Vera

The gel from Aloe Vera replaces your hormones naturally. Take it with a teaspoon of honey to regulate your periods.

4. Fenugreek

Fenugreek has diosgenin, a phytoestrogen that regulates the body’s estrogen levels. It is a typical hormonal replacement for women. A study conducted by Indian and American scientists found that it reduced Ovarian cysts.

Mix four tablespoons of Fenugreek seeds with four glasses of boiling water. Drink it three times a day.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is another common remedy for irregular periods. Research shows that it boosts fertility in women and promotes a regular menstrual cycle.

6. Mustard Seeds

These are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which manage your menstrual flow. Take a teaspoon of mustard seeds and mix them with milk to control heavy periods.

7. Cinnamon

Cinnamon enhances your dishes and regulates your periods as well. There is evidence that it relieves PCOD. Add a teaspoon of it to warm milk and drink the mixture. You will gain relief for menstrual cramps.

In all, you don’t have to search too hard for the answers to why your period may be late. Many of them could be in your kitchen.

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