Are too many pimples showing up at once? It may be that the symptoms of hormone imbalance are showing themselves. Why do men and women suffer from imbalanced hormones? We explain this and how to get rid of them the natural way.

Causes of Hormone Imbalance in Men and Women

Hormone imbalance isn’t just due to a woman’s pre0menstrual syndrome. Men can suffer from it as well, and here’s why.

For women:

1. Aging

First of all, it is aging. The levels of female hormones, progesterone, and estrogen, decline dramatically as a woman ages. Women find themselves experiencing the symptoms of hormone imbalance, described in the section below.

One of the most troubling of them is visceral fat, dangerous because it surrounds the organs. Women tend to gain this type of fat as they age.

2. Exercise

Too much exercise isn’t necessarily good for you. Working out reduces the body’s hormones non-essential processes such as reproduction, starts to shut down. It can lead to hormone imbalance.

3. Poor Diet

Having a poor diet can lead to hormone imbalance. Foods with simple carbohydrates and sugar raise cortisol in the body and decrease progesterone levels.

Here’s the excuse everyone wants to keep eating. Severely reducing calories may trigger hormone imbalance symptoms in women and disrupt the menstrual cycle.

4. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy saves lives, but also endanger the healthy cells in the body. It can cause the shutting down of ovaries, which results in a medical menopause.

5. Hysterectomy

A hysterectomy, for women, involves removing the uterus. It can cause fibroids, heavy menstrual bleeding, and uterine prolapse. In some cases, the surgeon removes the ovaries as well. Since the ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, doing so can bring on hormonal imbalance symptoms and consequently, surgical menopause. This ailment can raise the risk of congenital heart disease.

6. Xenoestrogens

You will find Xenoestrogens in everyday items like plastic products and insecticides. They have BHAs and parabens, which can damage the endocrine system. It causes estrogen dominance, causing progesterone and estrogen levels to become imbalanced.

For Men:

1. Aging

First of all, menage like women do. Aging affects testosterone levels and a man’s response to them. A lack can cause hormonal imbalance and erectile dysfunction.

2. Obesity

Also, large amounts of fat can affect hormone production.

3. Medication

Medication can affect the hypothalamus and therefore cognitive functions. Some medicines may severely impair the pituitary gland.

4. Illness

Severe stress levels or surgery may cause male testosterone to deplete.

12 Hormone Imbalance Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

We tend to associate imbalanced hormones with women, but men experience hormonal changes throughout their lives. The signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance are the same for men and women.

1. Libido changes

First of all, you wouldn’t feel like being intimate. Women may have vaginal dryness due to low estrogen levels. They may not produce breast milk, while men may have erectile dysfunction.

2. Infertility

Also, hormonal imbalance affects a person’s ability to have kids. Women who are infertile have high levels of androgens, while men may have low sperm count or poor sperm quality.

3. Mood Swings

Most people mention this symptom immediately when they hear the words ‘hormones.’ And it’s true. A lack of hormones does heighten anxiety and causes the mood to shift.

4. Weak Bones

We don’t often make the connection between low hormones and brittle bones, but it’s there. Low hormones may cause bones to break easily or lead to osteoporosis. The parathyroid hormone helps to strengthen bones.

5. Weight changes

If you experience weight gain but don’t know why you may have a hormonal imbalance. Low estrogen and high progesterone may lead to a shift in weight. A surge in estrogen may cause you to put on the pounds.

6. Fatigue

You may be getting a full twelve hours of sleep, but can’t seem to stay awake. Hormonal imbalance symptoms may be to blame. Book an appointment with your doctor if you find it difficult to stay awake throughout the day.

7. Hair Loss

Hair loss is an integral part of aging, particularly for men. It may be hereditary in some cases but is frequently due to hormonal imbalance. Problems with thyroid function may also lead to unnatural hair growth in various parts of the body.

8. Poor Sleep

Everyone has experienced nights of tossing and turning in bed. If this occurs all the time, it may be time to get your hormones in balance. Sleeplessness may be due to low testosterone levels. Note that women who have low progesterone levels may have insomnia.

9. Night Sweats

Perspiring heavily while you sleep may be a sign of imbalanced hormones. Hormone deficiency in the ovaries, thyroid, and pancreas may cause night time perspiration.

10. Acne

You may find yourself breaking out in pimples, even though you are an adult. Women may have them before their periods, but it usually clears up fast. Androgens are to blame for persistent acne. They may overwork your glands and affect your skin cells.

How to Prevent Hormone Imbalance the Natural Way

You may want to balance your hormones, but medication can have side effects. Natural foods are a viable alternative to medication.

1. Avocados

First of all are avocados, which are a common addition to salads. These have beta-sisterol, which raises estrogen and progesterone levels.

2. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is a rich source of phytoestrogens, particularly those known as lignans. They also help in the fight against cancer. Flaxseed helps to regulate androgens and testosterone levels, according to this study.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli helps to prevent premenstrual syndrome and has many phytogens. It also elimates unhealthy estrogens.

4. Pomegranate

Pomegranate regulates estrogens and is useful for women whose estrogen levels are too active, according to the American Association for Cancer Research. It does so by turning estrogen into estradiol.

5. Beans

Beans have lignans which introduce fiber into the body. These compounds restrain fat cells and help to regulate estrogen.

6. Salmon

Salmon and other fish high in Omega-3 enable healthy cell communication. Conversely, this helps to regulate hormones.

7. Leafy greens

Green leafy vegetables are excellent for balancing hormones. According to SF Gate, they also lower stress and inflammation.

8. Nuts

Nuts have a positive effect on the endocrine system. They lower insulin and regulate blood sugar as well. Eat them to eliminate hot flashes.

In all, hormonal imbalance symptoms are controllable with the help of some knowledge and a sensible diet.

Michelle Liew, B.A.

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