Start Your Day with This Amazing Showering Technique

Start Your Day with This Amazing Showering Technique and Stay Energised All Day

Forget sleepy mornings drooped over your desk or impromptu early naps on the train, it's time to break the habits of your tiresome workday with a showering technique you will be amazed by. Believe it or not, the average adult spends 4,000 hours of their life showering. And, therefore, most people think they know how to do it: you turn the hot water…

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Natural Ways To Handle Stress

Top 5 Natural Ways to Handle Stress, Tension and Anxiety

Stress is an epidemic that everyone succumbs to in life at least once. When you come under stress, your body sets off an alarm as if it is in danger, triggering a flight or fight response. Handling stress is essential to enjoying your life in a smooth way, without physical, physiological, and psychological obstacles. There are easy to do things which when incorporated…

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Being A Morning Person

9 Amazing Benefits of Being a Morning Person

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” goes the words of Ben Franklin. Along with learning the art of making coffee and savoring it every morning, waking up early has countless benefits spread across various aspects of your life. According to various studies done on this topic, it has been proven beyond doubt that the human…

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Improve Your Morning Routine

Improve Your Morning Routine in 5 Ways

Admit it, morning is the most subject to the routine. Is your routine working to put you in a better mindset for the day, or is it dragging you down? Sometimes, we set ourselves up for a rough day without even realizing it. We have compiled five simple tips on how to improve your morning routine. 1. Get To Bed Early Okay, so…

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Powerful Tips To Live Longer

2 Powerful Tips You Can Use Now To Live Longer

Do you worry that you’ll run out of time on this earth before checking off all your bucket list items? What if a simple change in your perception could significantly improve your health? In this article, I will share with you 2 powerful tips that you can immediately adopt in order to live longer. 1. Change your perception of aging. I believe that…

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Things to Let Go Off This Year

7 Things to Let Go of to Start the New Year Off Right!

As the new year is about to come, take a moment to think back about everything that has happened in the ending year that has led you to be where you are at this exact second. Are you happy with your situation? Most of us will say yes when in all reality there is something negative we are holding on to. There are…

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7 Reasons That Adopting a Pet Is One of the Best Decisions You Will Ever Make‏

or For many of us, adopting a pet has been a part of daily life. For others, it was an unrequited dream, hindered by parental, spatial, or other restrictions. And for lots of others, it has just never occurred as a concept. And yet, having a four-legged companion (or a winged one, or one who lives in the water) can actually be very…

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Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation, According to Scientific Studies

It is a wide-known fact that meditation is a powerful tool against stress, fatigue and anxiety, but did you know that it has some amazing health benefits? However, numerous scientific studies have shown that mindfulness meditation not only makes you relaxed and helps you unleash your inner potential but also significantly benefits your health and affect your body on a physical and even…

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