Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Reduce Stress, Anxiety

Lessons from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT has long been a favorite of psychologists and therapists worldwide. If you went to see your family doctor because of problems with stress or anxiety it is highly likely that they would recommend a program of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Despite this, some of the simple techniques from CBT that you can make use of for yourself are not…

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health benefits of daily sex

10 Unexpected Benefits of Daily Sex

Having regular sex will improve your health, relax you and help you get to sleep. So if you switch up regular sex to daily sex then all these unexpected benefits of having sex will lead you to live a healthy and happy life. 1. Exercise Don’t forget that sex is a form of exercise, you’ll have noticed that your heart rate will increase…

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get yourself to meditate

Three Quick and Simple Ways to Get Yourself to Meditate

Have you ever found yourself wondering how other people manage to fit so much into their lives? Their social life is packed, their house is always tidy and they even find the time to do yoga or meditate. The thing is we’re programmed to believe that some tasks look bigger than they actually are. Do you also believe that you are too busy…

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4 Eccentric Ways Trees Can Heal You

Fauns, elves, pixies, ghouls, trolls – the image of forests and woodlands arouse many feelings of mystery and intrigue. Not only do forests bring to mind mythical creatures, but they’re also the home of countless folklore tales and superstitions. Did you know that the Druids and the Germanic Pagans used to worship trees? No wonder the forest, in all its ethereal splendor, is…

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Mindfulness Meditation Can Significantly Alleviate Stress

Just 25 Minutes Of Mindfulness Meditation Can Significantly Alleviate Stress

American scientists studied the effects of mindfulness meditation on stress levels and came to the conclusion that just three consecutive days of 25-minute meditation can significantly alleviate stress. The technique of mindfulness meditation has helped many people to improve the overall state of their mind and body. However, until now, most studies have been mainly focused only on the therapeutic effects of long-term…

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Relieve Headaches Naturally

How to Relieve Headaches Naturally with 5 Lifestyle Changes

If you're plagued by headaches, it's well worth the energy to play detective and see if you can support your body’s natural systems to alleviate the problem. Before we talk about the ways to relieve this persistent issue naturally, ask yourself the following questions: When do your headaches occur? What happened before? What did you eat? To get you started, here are five…

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Plan To Get Healthy

Go Ahead, Get Healthy, Your Doctor Would Never Suggest These 12 Steps!

I love traditional MD’s — they’re my best friends, family, and trusted colleagues, but do they truly know how to get healthy? They save lives and perform medical feats beyond imagination. So why am I insulting them in the title of this piece? Read on, it’s not always as it seems. Although many doctors are smart, well-intentioned, and caring, they may not be trained to…

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