Living with any pain can be an aggravating experience. Joint pain can reduce your quality of life and if you throw headaches into the mix, you’ll experience some very unpleasant days. If you’re looking for relief from any kind of pain, you’ll want to consider essential oils.

When it comes to using essential oils for pain relief, there are a few different ones to consider. An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid that contains volatile chemical compounds from plants.

They are called “essential” because they contain the essence of the plant’s fragrance. These chemicals are helpful for skin conditions, relaxation, and in this case, pain relief.

But how are they best used?

The Best Ways To Use Essential Oils

Diffusion will be the most popular as it releases the vapor of the oil. This can be beneficial with helping breathing, relaxation and promoting better sleep. You can also inhale them by putting a few drops on a handkerchief and carry it with you. Another option is putting a drop of oil between your palms, rubbing them together, and inhaling.

Essential oils can be used topically and some popular places to apply them to include the bottom of the feet, the chest, temples, and other pulse points. You only need to use 2-3 drops so even a small bottle will last a long time.

If you have sensitive skin, you might do better adding the oils to a carrier oil like grapeseed or olive oil. This will limit the impact it may have on the skin and you’ll want to mix 5-10 drops with 2 tablespoons of the oil.

Don’t forget that essential oils can be dangerous as they are extremely concentrated. So keep away from your eyes, pregnant woman, and children. You don’t want to eat the oils. If you are on any medications, it’s best to check with your doctor to make sure there won’t be any negative interactions.

Concerning essential oils and pain relief, here are 5 different ones you want to consider for headache or joint pain.

Concerning essential oils and pain here

1. Lavender

Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils as it’s great for relaxation, anxiety, and sleep. For headaches, it is one of the best choices – especially for tension headaches or migraines caused by stress.

Lavender helps to calm the mind and relax the muscles and this will also help with joint pain too. Lavender can help to regulate your serotonin levels and this will help with feeling better and pain relief.

  • How To Use: This is where you want to mix the lavender with a carrier oil and massage it into your temples, forehead, the back of your neck, and even your wrists.

2. Eucalyptus

Another popular essential oil and one that will help with pain relief. Eucalyptus is great at improving your respiratory system and relieving congestion, so this can be very helpful for sinus type headaches. These type of headaches can be brought on by allergies and sickness and can last for days.

Using it will clear your sinuses and reduce inflammation in the body while also relieving pressure in your sinuses. It can also help clear toxins so if you’re feeling sick this can be a great thing to help cleanse your body while relieving any headache you may have.

  • How To Use: This will be like the lavender oil where you’ll want to dilute it in a carrier oil and massage it on your temples, forehead, on top of your cheeks, underneath your nose, your chest, and on your back.

3. Peppermint

A classic essential oil that has many benefits including helping relieve pain. This is good for those tension headaches and migraines but also helps with sinus headaches.

Peppermint oil will help relax the muscles and can increase blood flow and this makes it a natural painkiller. It will help you not only with headaches but any joint, or body pain you might suffer from.

It will also clear your sinuses and respiratory system while having a cooling effect on the skin making you feel more relaxed.

  • How To Use: It will need to be diluted like the last two. But where you put it will depend on the headache you have. If it’s more of a sinus headache, you’ll want to put it on your chest, underneath your nose, and on top of your cheeks. If it’s more of a tension headache, you’ll want to put it on your temples, forehead, neck, and even your wrists.

A lot of headaches are caused by neck tension, so many essential oils can be applied there. There is also the option of adding 5-15 drops to a bath. This way, you will get to inhale it while also having it in contact with your skin. It can help you relax even more and reduce anxiety.

With peppermint, it might be the king of essentials oils for helping with pain relief so if you were to only use one, this may be it.

4. Rosemary

A great option for tension headaches and migraines. Rosemary is another great way to relieve stress and a good choice to help with joint pain. It helps to do this by reducing inflammation and improves circulation, which are both important for reducing pain.

  • How To Use: Dilute just a few drops into a carrier oil and put it in the headache relieving places – the temples, forehead, neck, and back.

5. Juniper

We have used juniper for centuries as a detoxifying agent, a stress reducer, and to fight inflammation. This is a great pain reliever and helpful for those suffering from arthritisand joint pain.

  • How To Use: This is an essential oil that needs to be diluted as it is very strong. You can mix 2-4 drops in with the carrier oil and it can be massaged into areas on the body that are experiencing pain.

This also works well in a bath to promote relaxation and give relief from any pain you are feeling. You’ll want to add around 10-15 drops into warm, steaming water.

Final Thoughts

Instead of turning to potentially harmful medications, it makes more sense to take a natural approach for any ailments you may be facing.

There are many great essential oils that are effective for pain relief and will allow you to take that natural route. They are easy to use and can each one can help with several conditions at the same time.

It’s worth using the things that have been around for centuries to deal with any current issues you may be facing.

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