Recommendations on how to become a happier and better person. Tips and strategies for personal growth that will help you discover your strengths, improve your personality traits and develop a positive attitude to life.

Live Life to the Fullest

5 Reasons to Live Life to the Fullest and Practical Ways to Do It

Do you want to live life to the fullest like you used to in your childhood and youth? In fact, there are some practical and simple ways to do it. When you’re young, it seems as though life stretches out before you in an endless procession of days. Your opportunities seem unlimited, and you are not really conscious of the moments ticking by.…

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How to Motivate Yourself

How to Motivate Yourself and Stay Energetic When Life Gets Tough

If you are looking for ways to motivate yourself even in times of a personal crisis, there are some strategies you can follow. We all want to achieve the goals we’ve set individually. Some people want to build a family, some want to work on their careers, some want to travel, and so on. No matter which goal you want to achieve, you…

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Boredom Self-Discovery

How Boredom Opens the Door towards Self-Discovery and Why Being Bored Is Important

The so-called modern concept of boredom has come a long way from the 19th century. For some of the thinkers, boredom was a response to modern society, in which people are expected to be engaged in isolated labor, and to the corrosion of traditional composition of meaning. Basically, boredom means a lack of excitement and becoming easily disappointed or jaded in challenging situations.…

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Listen to Your Heart

You Should Listen to Your Heart and Not Your Head in These 5 Situations

Should you listen to your heart or mind? That’s a serious battle, right there. Sometimes it seems like the heart has a mind of its own. It convinces you to do the wrong thing, and then you regret the decisions you took without actual consideration. Sometimes, however, the mind works as a counterbalance. It convinces you to stay reasonable and put the heart…

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Living in the Past

7 Signs That You Are Living in the Past without Even Knowing It

How can you move forward when you’re living in the past? You can’t, and sometimes you don’t even understand what you’re doing. However, there are ways to catch onto this negative habit. I catch myself living in the past when I think about my childhood. I also recognize this bad habit when I think about all the positive experiences gone by, especially when…

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10 Warning Signs of Self-Sabotage That May Cost You Happiness and Success

Self-sabotage is often that one thing that stops us from living your dreams. Could you be sabotaging yourself without even knowing? Check out the 10 signs below. Whether you are guilty of self-sabotage or not, most probably, you have a dream life. In your dream life, everything is perfect the way you want them to be. You are working on your dream job.…

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Helping Others Makes Happy 3

Why Helping Others Makes You Happy, According to Science

People around us are one of the most important things in our lives. From an evolutionary perspective, helping others makes perfect sense. We’re social creatures, who are at our bests when we’re interconnected and are helping others. That is our biggest advantage and that is how we got to where we are today. As a result, evolution has instilled in us a need…

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Body Confidence

2 Truths about Body Confidence That Will Change the Way You See Yourself

The key to boosting your body confidence is in your mind. The following two truths will change your perspective on how you see your body. In today’s world, it’s not easy to maintain body confidence. Nearly everywhere we look, we’re given reminders of how our bodies should look. I don’t know a single person in the world who can look at a picture…

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