Do people cringe when they speak with you face to face? You may want to know how to get rid of bad breath.
A foul odor coming from your mouth can have several causes and could be a sign that you are under the weather. Life Advancer offers some solutions for getting rid of bad breath and related illnesses.
What Is Bad Breath?
Bad breath, also known as halitosis, refers to a foul smell coming from your mouth. It can occur on occasion or could be chronic. According to a study published in the Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry, bad breath is a social condition that people regretfully ignore.
What Causes Bad Breath?
There are many reasons for halitosis, and even the healthiest person will have it on occasion. To prevent it from happening, find out its causes.
1. Food
The first of these is food. It is one of the primary reasons for odors coming from the mouth. Onion, garlic, spices, fish, and beverages like coffee promote bacterial growth and contribute to the formation of dental plaque.
Low-carbohydrate diets can cause what you may know as ‘Ketone Breath.’ These diets burn fat and turn it into an energy source. The burning produces ketones, which can cause an odor that smells like acetone. This fruity odor is a sign of diabetes and erratic blood sugar levels.
2. Smoking
You’re probably familiar with the odor of nicotine, and it often comes out of a smoker’s mouth. It’s the infamous ‘smoker’s breath.’ A study published in the Indian Society of Periodontology reveals that nicotine is a top cause of oral issues.
3. Poor Oral Hygiene
If not removed, food in the mouth will rot and cause odors. It leads to a buildup of plaque and an unwanted condition known as periodontal disease.
Plaque becomes tartar when it hardens. Tartar holds bacteria that infect the gums and cause gum disease. Doctors may call in gingivitis.
4. Poor Health
Sinuses, pneumonia, sore throats and even the common cold can be responsible for bad breath. Those who experience Gastroesophageal Reflux may have halitosis, as researchers have found.
5. Dry Mouth
This condition, otherwise known as xerostomia, also triggers halitosis. Our saliva cleanses the mouth naturally. Bad breath results when it isn’t present. Medications, connective tissue disorders, and breathing through the mouth may exacerbate bad breath.
6. Allergies
Medicines used to treat allergies can cause a dry mouth, which in turn triggers halitosis. Sinus congestion that occurs because of allergies can cause bad breath because it causes people to breathe through their mouths.
According to this study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) triggers it as well.
7. Mouth Infections
Cavities, impacted teeth, or gum diseases may cause bad breath.
8. Dentures
If you wear dentures, food particles may get caught in them. Bacteria accumulate if you don’t get rid of them. Dentures that fit loosely can cause it as well.
9. Morning Breath
Everyone has bad breath in the morning. The mouth stops producing saliva during sleep, allowing bacteria to grow and cause odors.
10. Pregnancy
Being pregnant in itself doesn’t cause bad breath. The morning sickness that accompanies it does. Hormonal changes, dehydration, and food cravings may cause halitosis as well.
What Are the Symptoms?
Diagnosing a person’s bad breath is straightforward. The smell gives it away.
However, it may not be as easy to tell if you have bad breath yourself. You can’t always smell it, and may have made a social faux pas by the time you diagnose it; people will shy away from you.
You may have bad breath if you have an unpleasant taste in your mouth. A dry mouth or a coating on the tongue may lead to it as well.
Seek a professional’s advice if your halitosis persists. Should you have :
- Sores in the mouth
- Difficulty swallowing
- Difficulty chewing
- Broken teeth
- White spots on your tonsils
- or a Fever
Ask your doctor’s advice regarding medical treatment. Various specialists can help you eliminate halitosis. An orthodontist can adjust your braces should food particles become stuck in them. A pediatrician can address your child’s medical problem, and hence, their bad breath.
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath Naturally?
Thankfully, getting rid of halitosis doesn’t always require expensive dental procedures. These home remedies are the perfect solutions for this problem and will help you get rid of bad breath.
1. Fennel Seed
First of all is fennel seed. Besides being a natural mouth freshener, it has antimicrobial properties that eliminate oral bacteria.
Chewing fennel stimulates saliva production. Fennel tea has the same effect. Preparing it is as simple as mixing fennel seeds with hot water and drinking it a few times a day.
2. Cinnamon
This wonder spice contains cinnamic aldehyde, an essential oil that freshens breath. It also eliminates bacteria. This study found that it is possible to incorporate it into oral hygiene products.
Boil a cup of water and cinnamon powder. Bay leaves and cardamom are optional additions. You can use it as a mouth rinse.
3. Fenugreek
Fenugreek is useful if you have bad breath because of infections. All you need to do is boil a few fenugreek seeds with water and drink the tea once daily.
4. Cloves
Cloves, which have antibacterial properties, manage halitosis. Chew a few of them, and they’ll get rid of your bad breath within minutes.
You may brew clove tea as well. Boil a few ground cloves in water and let it simmer for about ten minutes. You may use it a mouth rinse as well.
5. Parsley
Another home remedy that helps reduce bad breath is parsley. Besides being a delicious addition to any dish, it also has chlorophyll. This substance, which is the green pigment in leaves, Just chewing on parsley leaves will freshen your breath. You may dip them and vinegar before eating them as well.
Run them through a juicer and drink the mixture. Store it in the refrigerator and drink it anytime your breath needs refreshing.
6. Lemon Juice
Also on this list is lemon juice. People have used it as a rinse for years. It has a pleasant aroma which eliminates halitosis. Stir one teaspoon of it into a cup of water Salt is an optional addition. It prevents a dry mouth.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Another way to reduce bad breath is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). ACV balances the pH levels in your mouth and turns it into an environment that’s not bacteria-friendly.
Stir a teaspoon of it into boiling water and drink the mixture before your meals. You may rinse your mouth with it as well.
8. Baking soda
Baking soda controls oral matador, or bad breath, as this study confirms. Mix one and a half teaspoons of it in warm water and rinse your mouth with it. Brushing your teeth with it has the effect of reducing bad breath as well.
9. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties and works well as an oral disinfectant. Mix tea tree oil, lemon oil, and peppermint oil in a glass of water and use it as a mouth rinse. Put a few drops of it on your toothbrush together with regular toothpaste.
10. Tea
Any tea controls halitosis. Green tea, which contains polyphenols, does this best. Polyphenols stop the growth of oral bacteria, which causes bad breath.
Herbal tea like sage tea is an excellent option. Mix a teaspoon of sage leave with hot water and let it simmer for about five minutes. Drink it a few times a day to keep your breath fresh.
In all, the solutions for getting rid of bad breath are straightforward. You’ll find them in these home remedies, and a little common sense.