To find your dream job, it is essential to have defined your goals beforehand. If you have not done it yet, it’s time to sit down and project your life into the future.

Look for inspiration in American inventors who despite the adversities, did not abandon their dreams. They were prepared to achieve them and today, the success belongs to them. Similarly, finding and getting your dream job takes time, perseverance and belief in yourself.

The goals are achieved with perseverance, with constant work, day and night, as successful people have done; without fear that you will notice the bags under eyes and with the security that you will celebrate the triumph after arduous work.

If you are starting your university career, you already know in which professional area you are going to play.

To identify the type of company in which it is convenient to develop professionally, it is advisable to perform a test, prepared by yourself, where you ask yourself some questions regarding your position in the future.

This exercise allows you to define your goals and find your dream job that suits your needs, including questions such as:

  • What are your goals? Write the goals you want to achieve.
  • Where do you want to stay? In this question, you answer if you want to work in one of the largest cities in the world or, on the contrary, you prefer to work in a modest town.
  • How do you plan to reach the goal? The way to achieve your goals is by working, studying, and preparing day and night, surely you will get dark circles under the eyes, but I assure you that it will be worth it.
  • What or who inspires you? Having a source of inspiration always helps, it is advisable to see inspirational movies that help you to orient and reflect.
  • What should I do to improve? Read famous author’s books that give you ideas to prepare yourself better, and learn to overcome obstacles.

How to find your dream job

1. Experience

While you study, perform activities that give you experience in your profession. Work in summer in a job that has to do with your profession or you can work while you study.

2. Do what you love

Focus on what you are passionate about and you will not work for a moment of your life. The work will become pleasant moments and fun.

3. Doing internships is a way to gain experience while you finish your studies.

It is important to highlight that experience is the most important feature to take the employer to choose a worker for your company and being a young graduate, adds points in your favor. If you have had invention ideas, remember to add it as experience or skills and show it in due course.

4. Work to win work

Take the time to prepare a good application letter resume, visit your future workplace, make phone calls, and take quick improvement courses.

5. Confidence

If you have prepared with education and experience; your confidence must be strengthened and ready to present you before a highly competitive labor field. Try to be seen as a solution to a problem. When you are hired, the employer is thinking that you are the best candidate for the job.

Show him that he is not wrong and that you are the best.

6. Non-verbal communication

Knowing a bit of body language helps you not to make involuntary mistakes in a job interview, you should read a lot about this topic or seek help from people who know the subject.

Today there are computers that study the behavior of people through NLP (neurolinguistic programming), it is important to know and control certain movements and gestures in a job interview, to avoid misunderstandings.

Following these tips, you will be able to communicate with your interlocutor an understandable and open friendly attitude. Active in networks, this means actively participating in the social networks of the companies where you are applying.

Place your resume on LinkedIn and participate in blogs of the companies chosen to offer your services. This activity must start before completing your studies. Know the company to which you are applying; Knowing the details of the company where you will provide your services is important, so you will be prepared with time and they will not take you by surprise.

7. Prepare yourself with studies

experience, good advice, dedication, training, and research to conquer the job you so desire. Remember perseverance, honesty, and responsibility should never leave you. If you feel difficulty, seek help from a resume expert so that you feel more secure when applying for your dream job.

Finding and getting your dream job takes time, is a systematic preparation that involves, several factors. Elaborate your personal plan with the goal of conquering the work you want, and add the will to fulfill it, this formula will give you a deserved success.



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