Our modern lifestyles expose us to almost limitless sources of electromagnetic radiation. It has potentially disastrous health effects, so we’d want to know how to prevent them.

The appliances in our homes are potent sources of it, and this thought is frightening. Thankfully, many plant sources can contain it.

What Is Electromagnetic Radiation?

1. The Definition According to Physics

Physics defines Electromagnetic Radiation as the waves (quanta or photons) of an electromagnetic field radiating through space. They include ultraviolet light, gamma rays, and X Rays.

2. The Nature of This Type of Radiation

Conventionally, this type of radiation consists of electromagnetic waves. These are synchronized, moving electric and magnetic fields. They are typically denoted c in a vacuum.

Electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other. They are also perpendicular to the direction of wave formation and energy and form a transverse wave.

The wavefront of electromagnetic waves that originate from a point source, e.g., a light bulb is known as a sphere. The frequency of oscillation or the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave determines its position within the spectrum. Different EM waves have different names because they have varying effects on matter and sources.

In order of increasing frequency, the typical electromagnetic waves we encounter are:

  • radio waves
  • microwaves
  • ultraviolet radiation
  • x-rays
  • gamma rays

3. How does it work?

Electrical particles undergoing acceleration emit electromagnetic waves. These waves subsequently interact with other particles and exert pressure on them.

EM waves carry energy, momentum and angular momentum away from their source particle and can impart those quantities to matter with which they interact.

Electromagnetic waves are free to radiate without the help of moving charges that produce them as they have enough distance. For this reason, experts refer to electromagnetic radiation as the ‘far-field.’

4. Electromagnetic Radiation in Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics suggests the EMR consists of photons, uncharged particles with zero rest mass. These are the quanta of the electromagnetic force and are responsible for electromagnetic interactions.

Quantum electrodynamics is how EMR reacts with the atomic matter. Quantum effects result in additional sources of EMR, which include the transition of electrons to lower energy levels. The energy of photons of high frequency is more significant than those that emit at low rates.

5. The Effect It Has on Chemical Compounds

How EMR affects chemical compounds, and biological organisms depend on the radiation’s strength and frequency.

The EMR of low or visible frequencies such as light, microwaves, and radio waves is non-ionizing radiation. Individual photons don’t have enough energy to ionize atoms or break chemical bonds. The effects of such frequencies on chemicals and living tissue are the result of heating effects from the combined energy transfer of photons.

High-frequency ultraviolet, gamma rays, and X-rays are ionizing radiation. Individual photons have enough energy to ionize molecules and break chemical bonds. They cause chemical reactions and damage living cells.

Why Is It Dangerous?

EMF shakes the cells in the human body. The vibration heats and manipulates them in dangerous ways. The heat also causes them to mutate.

Low-frequency EMF works in the same way as a microwave. Microwaves vibrate molecules to generate intense heat. The intensity can lead to health concerns, including cancer. It also affects male and female fertility. Long-term exposure to EMF can burn skin and break down DNA.

Sources of Electromagnetic Radiation in the Home

1. Cellphones

Cell phones are some of the most significant sources of EMF radiation, and not just because of their potency. People have cell phones close to themselves the whole day.

An increasing body of research shows that cell phone use has associations with tumors. They have other adverse health effects as well. Avoid sleeping with your phone on or putting it in your pocket. Put your phone in Airplane mode if you need to use the alarm function. Doing so will prevent EMF emissions.

2. Television

You may remember your parents telling you to sit away from the TV when watching it. They had every reason to give such advice; old devices emitted significant amounts of EMRs. That said, modern TVs, with WIFI and other technology, give out high quantities of EMRs. If possible, don’t purchase TVs with WIFI capabilities.

3. Microwave Ovens

Microwave ovens emit powerful levels of electromagnetic radiation. The heat they generate can cook food. Useful as microwaves are, they leak. The seal on the door of your oven wears away over time. The radiation it releases may affect you and your brain cells. Rely on a toaster or stove instead, and stand far from it when using it.

4. Computers

Computers are potent sources of EMRs because you expose yourself to them. Avoid resting your computer on your lap, because doing so exposes your organs to radiation. A computer pad will protect you from EMRs.

5. Wi-Fi Devices

Any appliance connected to a Wi-Fi network produces EMRs. With our modern lifestyles, it’s not unusual if you have a few of them running in your home at once. The EMRs they create can have neurodevelopmental effects and may cause cancer. Turn off your WiFI routers when you’re not using them.

6. Electrical Wiring

You’re busy and may leave the extension cords that connect your devices in a mess. Loose extension cords release EMRs. Poorly designed electrical wiring may produce higher levels of radiation than others. You can use an EMF meter to check on the levels of radiation in your home. Don’t loop your extension cords across each other. Furthermore, turn off all appliances and power sources if you’re not using them.

7. Dimmer Switches

Dimmer switches are EMF hotspots. When we turn them on, part of the electrical current that moves through them transmits as EMF radiation. Switch to regular switches if possible.

8. Plumbing

Here’s a surprise. Plumbing is a source of EMF radiation. Most homes sit on underground pipes. If an EMR source, such as a power line, is nearby, the metal conducts the electricity, turning them into sources themselves. Make sure that your plumber grounds your pipes properly.

9. Electrical Heating

Do you turn on in-floor heaters during the cold months? The electrical current that powers them is a source of EMRs. Experts speculate if it has links to cancer. Turn it off when you don’t use it.

10. Your Neighbor

If you live close to your neighbor, the chances are that the EMRs emitted by his WiFi devices may enter your home. Try to live in areas where houses are far apart from each other.

Plants That Absorb It

1. Cactus

NASA performed a study that showed Cactii to be an efficient absorber of electromagnetic radiation. It absorbs the radiation produced by computers and cell phone towers, so it makes a perfect plant for offices.

Cactuses are easy to maintain and don’t need daily watering. They grow best in warm areas with lots of light. Keep them in a straight line if you want to eliminate EMF waves from your computer. Cacti keep your home looking fresh and elegant.

2. Snake Plant

The Snake Plant, also known as Mother-in-Law’s tongue, is another plant that is effective when it comes to absorbing computer radiation. Place it near radiation sources to reduce the waves they emit.

Note that this plant converts carbon dioxide into oxygen. It’s long and thin appearance makes it the perfect indoor plant because it saves space. This plant doesn’t require constant watering. Check the soil once a week to ensure that it has enough water. It does best in indirect sunlight.

3. Spider Plant

The Spider Plant has leaves that flow over the side of the vessel instead of point upwards. This plant can absorb pollutants and radiation from your devices. This plant is self-sustaining and produces flowers that will form a new plant. Excess sunlight will burn the leaves. Put it in an area with lots of shade. It thrives in temperatures between 55 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Betel Leaf Plant

The Betel Leaf plant accents the fixtures and furnishings of any room. Apart from its beautiful appearance, it can absorb electromagnetic waves. Its hydroxyl and superoxide properties allow it to eliminate radioactive particles from the air. It also takes in harmful gases. Since radiation travels in a straight line, place it in front of your computer.

5. Stone Lotus Flower

The Stone Lotus Flower may look like a Cactus but has a different biological make-up. It absorbs radiation well and is effective in doing so, despite its small size. It’s the ideal plant to keep beside your computer. Like other succulents, it thrives on little light and water.

6. Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera plant curbs hair loss and cures acne. Few people know that it absorbs radiation. It absorbs carbon dioxide and converts it into oxygen. Place it in a container and use a potting mix used for cultivating other succulents. Make sure that it has enough drainage as insufficient water may result in a dead plant. Again, place it in a straight line, in front of the radiation source.

7. Ivy

Ivy is one of the best absorbers of radiation. It takes in 90% of Benzene from the air within 24 hours. Ivy beautifies the surroundings and improves air quality, eliminating carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and EMRs. It thrives on little water and bright light.

8. Asparagus Fern

Asparagus smells heavenly and absorbs EMRs. It also has antioxidant properties that limit the damage done by gamma radiation. You’ll want to place this indoor plant in a humid indoor area. Keep children and pets away from it as its leaves are slightly thorny. It loves water, so keep it hydrated.

9. Mustard Greens

Besides being a nutritious food item, mustard greens absorb electromagnetic radiation and limit oxidative stress. Start them outdoors but place them indoors when their stems are strong enough. Keep it in a sunny area with plenty of shade. They need about two inches of water a week.

In all, electromagnetic radiation is useful but needs containing. Fortunately, nature can help you to do this. Fill your home with these plants.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lifeadvancer User Avatar

    This is not true at all…..The sources you listed are nonionizing sources. Meaning they do not ionize. Meaning that they do not damage human cells. The sources of concern would be x-rays, gama rays…ionizing radiation sources.

  2. Lifeadvancer User Avatar

    The article is very well researched and covers all areas to watch out for. I am afraid you are not well informed , you need to study the latest research on the subject.
    The issue has been debated for a number of years, large groups of scientists have warned about the dangers of emfs especially since 2015 onwards, based on extensive peer reviewed research, they even submitted their concerns to the UN !
    However corporations with financial and other interests in technology and AI have been systematically deleting posts and papers that warn on the dangers to human health.
    EMFs are proven to cause brain cancer (the higher the frequency and longer the exposure the worst the effect ) and also even alter the cell membrane! Children have even more risk . Living in cities is REALLY risky because you are ‘bombarded ‘ every second .
    It is bad to try to block information – let people decide on themselves.

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