Perfect Male Body

This Is What the Perfect Male Body Looks Like to Both Men and Women

The media has changed the way we think, talk, eat, walk, dress or, simply put, the way we live. This is not bound to change anytime soon particularly with other media avenues cropping up. Change is inevitable but still, there are lots of garbage that we pick from these media platforms without even knowing. A good example is what is deemed attractive or…

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Dehydration is Making You Fat And Sick

Why Dehydration is Making You Fat And Sick – Infographic

This infographic is about the importance of water for the human body. The dehydration and the implications for the body of the people. Digestive, skin, bladder and kidney problems, fatigue and headache are just some of the adverse effects of not drinking enough water. We need it as much as the air we breathe in! It’s not a joke. Did you know that when you…

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Simple Tricks to Improve Your Day

5 Simple Tricks to Improve Your Day

We all have those days where nothing goes right and a quick pick-me-up is needed, but there are also days where everything is fine. On those days, there are 5 simple tricks you can practice to improve your day, every day. 1. Tidy your space Whether it’s your workspace, living space or just your car, cleaning out one of the places you spend…

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Ways You can Utilize Your Deodorant

5 Strange Yet Amazing Deodorant Uses You Should Know about

Talk of strange things that you never think of and I bet you have never imagined that deodorant could be adapted for uses other than just giving you a fresh scent. If you are one of those who never thought outside the box, then sit back and take notes as we take a look at some of the great uses you can find…

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Vitamins In Your Body

Vitastiq: a Sleek Pen That Knows Everything about Vitamins in Your Body

Recently, there was an innovative holistic health-care gadget introduced to the public though some of the biggest tech sites. The devices name is Vitastiq and it allows users to check 30 most important vitamins and minerals with a completely non-invasive and painless way using a smartphone as an interface. Vitastiq was a hit on its IndieGoGo campaign page as it reached 100% of…

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You really can change your DNA

Proven by Science: You Can Actually Change Your DNA and Here’s How

DNA generally can’t be changed, right? We are the way we are, we have a set genetic makeup that we can’t alter? Wrong. The science of epigenetics (the study of how environmental factors outside of DNA influence changes in gene expression) have proved that stem cells and DNA can possibly be altered. This can be done through magnetic fields, heart coherence, positive mental states,…

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Body Hacks For A Longer Life

Body Hacks For A Longer Life – Infographic

There's a flood of mixed messages that you get on health. But the truth is that the key to being healthy is fairly simple: live as natural a life as possible. Simple tricks go a long way. Eat a natural diet (plants and animals). Before eating, ask yourself: could I or my neighbors have made this? Take daily walks. Get outside. Take a…

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mind-body connection and the Feldenkrais method

The Mind-Body Connection and the Feldenkrais Method: How Exercise Can Improve Your Wellbeing

We've all been there at some point or another; one day we try to get up from the bed and its system shut down. A neck strain, a back pain, or a nerve tugging in all the wrong places, or stiffness in the joints and muscles can start one day and go on forever, bringing down your mood and general health. Not to…

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