Is second-hand smoke worse than smoking

Is Second-Hand Smoke Worse Than Smoking? What Science Has to Say

Is second-hand smoke worse than smoking? Smokers, non-smokers, and health experts have battled over this question for decades. Answering it is a struggle because of the differing views on the issue. Perhaps science will offer some insights into how dangerous second-hand smoke is. What Is Second-Hand Smoke? For many of us, smoke is what it is. There’s no difference between first and second-hand smoke.…

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What Causes Bags Under Eyes

What Causes Bags Under Eyes and How to Remove Them

People, women, in particular, have wondered what causes bags under their eyes since time began. Eye bags are, for want of a better word, an eyesore. No one wants to resemble a panda when they meet their colleagues at work. It would help if we knew why they appear and how to get rid of these unsightly dark areas on our faces. 3…

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Gym Sports Injuries

Gym and Sports Injuries Are Common – How to Prevent Them

Research has shown that accidents and bad habits that lead to sports injuries can start in childhood. "Practice makes perfect," but even seasoned athletes can get into trouble pursuing their sport. And these initial accidents can lead to chronic problems, especially in certain areas prone to injury. While certain sports injuries can be unique to certain endeavors, sports medicine experts say that any…

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taking probiotics

5 Reasons Taking Probiotics Is Vital for Optimal Health

Wondering whether you should be taking probiotics? Research has shown again and again that probiotics are absolutely vital for optimal health. However, the medical world is only just starting to comprehend how widespread the benefits of probiotic supplements are throughout our bodies. Since it would be impossible to list all the ways that taking probiotics can help improve your health. here are just…

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Hydrotherapy Boost Your Immunity

Hydrotherapy: an Amazingly Simple Way to Boost Your Immunity in Just 15 Seconds a Day

Ever heard of the term hydrotherapy? Well, if you haven’t then you are surely missing out on something marvelous. For starters, hydrotherapy refers to the use of water i.e in any forms of water be it water, ice or steam, for the purposes of treating various diseases and improving general health and wellness. Well, there are lots of therapy experts who purport have…

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Chakra Cleansing Natural Methods

How to Perform Chakra Cleansing with These Natural Methods

If you feel ill-at-ease spiritually, you probably need a dose of chakra cleansing. Spring clean your soul, just as you would your home. Chakra cleansing helps with the former. We introduce you to the different chakras and how to clear them the natural, life-giving way. What Is Chakra? Chakra is the body's energy center. You may see it as a freeway through which…

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a man and a woman

8 Weird Ways a Man and a Woman Perceive Life Differently, Backed by Science

Aside from obvious differences, there are strange variations between a man and a woman that you may not have noticed before. A man and a woman are different. These things range from biological differences to emotional ones, and they are quite odd. In fact, I bet you’ve heard that expression, Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, right? Why sure you…

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what Does Stress do to your Body

What Does Stress Do to Your Body and How to Release It?

If you knew what stress does to your body, you would think again before letting yourself fall into the trap of anxious thoughts and negativity. Stress is a pesky fly that never seems to go away. With our busy lifestyles, it's hard to shake it off. The good news is that there are ways to release it. The 11 Signs & Effects of…

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