Is Chocolate Good for You

Is Chocolate Good for You? Here Is What Science Has to Say

There are so many delicious ways to consume chocolate, from ice cream to cake, to the classic chocolate bar. But is chocolate good for you? If you’re a true chocoholic, you know that other flavors like vanilla or cookie dough just won’t do! Whether we’re talking candy or pudding, chocolate is the only acceptable flavor. Well, for you chocolate lovers out there, here…

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Slow Down Aging Process

9 Ways to Slow Down the Aging Process

If reversing aging belongs to the realm of fantasy, it is possible to slow down the aging process. Here is how. One time, Salma Hayek shared her thoughts about Botox. “Botox, trust me I've been tempted — but I resist!..It all atrophies! Plus, if you freeze a muscle in your face, other muscles have to compensate!” Head-On Solutions to Aging Everyone, women and…

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Signs of Low Testosterone

10 Signs of Low Testosterone Most Men Ignore

It's common to feel out of sorts because of low testosterone. The human body produces this hormone naturally. Men generate more of it than women do. Consequently, it makes them who they are. Testosterone decreases with age, and this has significant effects. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of or ignore these changes. So, what are the signs of low testosterone, and how would…

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How to Recognize Early Signs Circulation Problems

10 Early Signs of Circulation Problems (Common in Young People)

The symptoms of blood circulation problems may have several different causes. Most often causes are the thickening and hardening of the arteries and the peripheral arterial disease. Nowadays, blood circulation problems appear to thrive. Especially among young people. This comes as a surprise because it was believed that poor blood circulation is a condition typical for older people. Young people often develop unhealthy…

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Character Traits Prevent Diseases

5 Character Traits That Prevent Diseases

Character traits really can make people less likely to suffer specific serious illnesses, according to a recent study. Holistic medical traditions, such as the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, have long associated character traits with health. Certain links made in these traditions seem to border on the superstitious, but there is now evidence from conventional science to confirm that behaviors and tendencies can have an impact on whether or…

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Pressure point for insomnia (Acupressure)

Powerful Pressure Point for Insomnia, Stress, Anxiety and Other Problems

Did you know that there is a powerful pressure point for insomnia on your feet? One of the reasons why so many people are turning to alternative methods of relieving the pain is the fact that conventional medicine often has bad side effects. Many of the conditions are treated with painful invasive techniques and people tend to avoid that. For ages, alternative medicine…

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Urine uses

Most Unexpected Urine Uses or Why You Should Pee in the Shower

There are some urine uses that you probably never thought or heard about. You must have heard those survival stories where someone saved his or her own life by drinking urine! Yes, urine. That sounds disgusting, but it’s time to unravel the facts in your ‘number one’ call to the washroom. First, did you know that urine is sterile, nontoxic and it mainly…

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emotional pain chart

Emotional Pain Chart: What Negative Emotions Are Doing to Your Body

This emotional pain chart will show you how your body reacts to your negative emotions. We experience an array of emotions every day - anything from happiness to sadness to extreme joy and even depression. Our body responds to the way we think, feel, and act. This is one type of “mind/body connection.” Each emotion creates a different feeling within the body: it…

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