Is Chocolate Good for You

Is Chocolate Good for You? Here Is What Science Has to Say

There are so many delicious ways to consume chocolate, from ice cream to cake, to the classic chocolate bar. But is chocolate good for you? If you’re a true chocoholic, you know that other flavors like vanilla or cookie dough just won’t do! Whether we’re talking candy or pudding, chocolate is the only acceptable flavor. Well, for you chocolate lovers out there, here…

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Signs of Low Testosterone

10 Signs of Low Testosterone Most Men Ignore

It's common to feel out of sorts because of low testosterone. The human body produces this hormone naturally. Men generate more of it than women do. Consequently, it makes them who they are. Testosterone decreases with age, and this has significant effects. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of or ignore these changes. So, what are the signs of low testosterone, and how would…

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Why Should Smile More According Science

7 Reasons Why You Should Smile More, According to Science

Did you know that when you smile more, you are actually improving your mental and physical health? The founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud claimed that laughter releases a large energy surplus which remains imprisoned in the body. Also, the great philosopher and philologist Friedrich Nietzsche believed those who smile more protect their sanity, which is disturbed by two dangerous emotions, fear, and anger. It…

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Get Rid Sore Throat and Cough Homemade Syrup

Powerful Homemade Syrup for Sore Throat and Cough

If caught a cold, this natural homemade syrup for sore throat and cough will work and make you feel better fast. Flu can bring out the worst out of anyone! Think of those disturbing symptoms you get every time you have the flu. Think of a sore throat and cough, running nose, blocked airways and others that can render you unproductive for days. Unfortunately,…

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Things Happen When You Start to Get up Early Morning

When You Get Up Early Every Morning, 6 Things Will Happen

Do you know that most of the successful people in the world get up early every morning? Several studies done globally have correlated being an early bird to success. They have also shown that the ideal time to wake up is 4 AM. The benefits associated with the good habit of getting up early every morning are both physical and mental. In this…

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Health Recommendations More Harm Than Good

4 Major Health Recommendations That Do More Harm Than Good

There are some health recommendations we are actually doing wrong. We live in a society where concerns over health are a priority for many people. For this reason, we hear new health recommendations and tips every day. However, despite this intense focus on optimal wellness, as a society, we are getting sicker and sicker. Case in point: since 1980, worldwide obesity has doubled,…

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Washing Chicken Dangerous Your Health

Washing Chicken Can Be Dangerous for Your Health and Here’s Why

Washing chicken could be harmful to your health, according to science. In modern times, when the running water is a luxury of every home, we often tend to wash all the food we prepare before cooking. Somehow we think that by washing the food before cooking, we make a double percussion in regards to hygiene. This especially stands for meat. No matter if we bought…

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Get Rid of Cough and Mucus in the Lungs Overnight with Homemade Honey Wraps

How to Make Homemade Honey Wraps to Get Rid of Cough and Mucus

Want to get rid of cough naturally and don't know how? Try these amazing homemade honey wraps! For centuries, honey has been used for treating different conditions in alternative medicine around the globe. Other than taking honey orally, many alternative medicine experts know that it has a great influence on our organism even when used by applying it to our skin. One of…

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