Character Traits Prevent Diseases

5 Character Traits That Prevent Diseases

Character traits really can make people less likely to suffer specific serious illnesses, according to a recent study. Holistic medical traditions, such as the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, have long associated character traits with health. Certain links made in these traditions seem to border on the superstitious, but there is now evidence from conventional science to confirm that behaviors and tendencies can have an impact on whether or…

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Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu Technique to Use If You Feel Anxious, Depressed or Nervous

Do you feel anxious, depressed or nervous? Well, know that each finger has an emotional connection to your emotions. Ancient medicine is surely perplexing! If you are doubting this, then you have not heard of an ancient Japanese healing method known as Jin Shin Jyutsu. Well, if this is new to you, I hope you read through this article as your mind will…

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Hunza People Never Get Sick

Hunza People Rarely Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live Long Lives – Here’s Why

Have you ever heard of the Hunza People? Learn how to live longer by separating myth from fact, and utilizing natural solutions. There are many myths and stories about people, such as the Hunza people, who lived happy and healthy for a long, long time. Some of these myths are just that, a hoax, and that's why separating these ideas from facts are…

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Your Stress Levels

6 Warning Signs That Your Stress Levels Are Dangerously High

Your stress levels determine your life largely, so you must be aware of any symptoms or signs you might have. As John Mayer sang, “Your body is a wonderland” and no truer words have never been spoken. Our bodies are incredible: they fight disease, fully function without any input and give us warning signs when all is not well. Stress is one of…

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Urine uses

Most Unexpected Urine Uses or Why You Should Pee in the Shower

There are some urine uses that you probably never thought or heard about. You must have heard those survival stories where someone saved his or her own life by drinking urine! Yes, urine. That sounds disgusting, but it’s time to unravel the facts in your ‘number one’ call to the washroom. First, did you know that urine is sterile, nontoxic and it mainly…

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Whiten teeth naturally

How to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally in Minutes at Home

Did you know that you can have a better smile and whiten your teeth naturally? This home remedy will save you money and give you amazing results. Many people would love to have super white teeth for that perfect smile. On a serious note, who doesn’t? The sad thing though is that this may not the case. Talk of inevitable conditions and diseases…

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Naturally Lighten Your Hair Color

How to Naturally Lighten Your Hair Color with 100% Safe Ingredients

Did you know that by using bleach to lighten your hair color you can be doing more damage than good? The chemicals found in bleach products are often toxic and can result in negative short-term and long-term effects on the health of your hair. Stop paying for dangerous chemicals that ruin your hair and start considering all-natural ingredients to lighten your hair color…

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Home Remedies for Itchy Sunburn

10 Best Home Remedies for Itchy Sunburn

Itchy sunburn is a serious problem if you aren't careful, but there are some natural ways to treat it before you decide to go to the doctor. We all love the sun. It makes us happy. Laying out in the sun is relaxing, and can even be good for your health. But it can be too much, and indulging in the sun's rays…

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