Desk Stretches Neutralize Negative Effects of Sitting

Try These Simple Desk Stretches to Neutralize the Negative Effects of Sitting

If your job keeps you sitting for long hours, then it’s time you tried these desk stretches to neutralize the adverse health effects of sedentary lifestyle. Did you know that sitting for long hours may increase the risk of getting heart diseases, diabetes, cancer and even cause early deaths? This is especially a problem for desk workers who spend 8 hours and even…

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Get Relief from Achy Joints

Get Relief from Achy Joints by Following 12 Simple Habits

Achy joints can be painful. They can make life unbearable and hard. However, it is quite easy for those who suffer from back and joint pains to adopt and adhere to some essential steps on a daily basis in the efforts of reducing these pains. It is rather simple for you to have relief from the unbearable pains the joints can cause you.…

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Relaxation Techniques Increase Productivity

6 Relaxation Techniques That Will Increase Your Productivity

Relaxation techniques can really help you with your everyday stress. Our schedules have become a series of running from one task or activity to the next. Demands on our time are really quite outrageous, so it makes sense why we have time neither for relaxation techniques nor any other self-soothing activities! We do not get enough sleep; we are inhaling caffeine and energy drinks…

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Correct Your Body Posture

Do This One Simple Exercise to Correct Your Body Posture

“Stand up straight!” We've all been told that one time or another, and, of course, we all know that a great posture is extremely important – but most of us don't really know why. In fact, body posture is more important for your health than for the way you look. Having a poor posture can weaken your back and core muscles and lead…

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Pinch of Turmeric Worth an Hour of Exercise

Study Finds a Pinch of Turmeric Worth an Hour of Exercise

I personally believe that exercise can't be replaced with anything. However, it seems that a pinch of turmeric has the same effects on heart health as an hour of aerobic workout. According to recent research, in certain cases, turmeric can really help cardiovascular health, especially for women who are going through age-related health changes and are suffering from postmenopausal health issues. Numerous studies have revealed that turmeric…

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Butt Exercises That Work Better Than Squat

5 Best Butt Exercises That Work Better Than Squat

The squat is a common term especially where exercising your gluteus is concerned. However, the exercise can start getting a bit boring for many after just after a few minutes of squatting. It is close to impossible to hold a tight tush with squat only. The truth is that performing a combination of physical exercises can easily kick squats exercises right out of…

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Exercises Your Family

Top 6 Exercises to Do with Your Family

It’s such a great time to reconnect with your family while contributing significantly to their well-being. We all aim to have a great future that is fun and filled with happiness without illnesses. One of the best ways to ensure that we pass the same to our children is by engaging them when performing exercises. Our behaviors can significantly help in modeling our…

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Foods That Relieve Anxiety

5 Foods That Relieve Anxiety, According to Science

Social anxiety affects a surprisingly high number of us. Social anxiety “is an anxiety disorder in which a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations.” Sufferers of social anxiety will feel deeply uncomfortable both physically and mentally at the thought of BBQs, music festivals, outdoor events, even friendships, and relationships. What was really interesting was a study conducted by the…

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