Here is what a lack of exercise does to your body and what to do to reverse its detrimental effects

What Lack of Exercise Does to Your Body and How to Reverse Its Effects

Lack of exercise does harm our body. Most of us don’t even realise that we spend the whole day sitting and almost not moving at all. We sit at work, in the car and again at home in front of the TV or at our favorite cafe or bar with friends. A seating area is, in fact, the place that harms our body…

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Relieve Lower Back Pain, Sciatica and Leg Pain pressure points

Pressure Points for Lower Back Pain, Sciatica & Leg Pain

If you want to know how to relieve lower back pain, sciatica, and leg pain, ancient Chinese tradition can help you - all you need is to stimulate specific pressure points on your body! The quality of life can significantly decrease due to lower back pain. Everyday tasks become extremely difficult after you start suffering from lower back, hips or legs pain. Fortunately,…

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Japanese Women Never Get Fat Live Long Lives

Why Japanese Women Never Get Fat and Live Long Lives

There is no doubt that Japanese women are eye candy. Slender, demure and attractive, the turn heads wherever they go. They are not only slim but also hold the secret keys to longevity. Moreover, women in Japan are some of the longest living on Earth. Just what are their secrets to having slender figures and living long lives? 10 Must-Share Secrets of Japanese…

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Character Traits Prevent Diseases

5 Character Traits That Prevent Diseases

Character traits really can make people less likely to suffer specific serious illnesses, according to a recent study. Holistic medical traditions, such as the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, have long associated character traits with health. Certain links made in these traditions seem to border on the superstitious, but there is now evidence from conventional science to confirm that behaviors and tendencies can have an impact on whether or…

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Smart People Less Desire for Physical Activity

New Study Explains Why Smart People Have Less Desire for Physical Activity

Why are there many smart people who don't like to exercise? By saying smart, we mean people who like to use their brain more than others. This has nothing to do with the level of IQ because even some of the individuals with a low IQ can have a huge passion for solving intellectual tasks. The study which was conducted recently and published…

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Hunza People Never Get Sick

Hunza People Rarely Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live Long Lives – Here’s Why

Have you ever heard of the Hunza People? Learn how to live longer by separating myth from fact, and utilizing natural solutions. There are many myths and stories about people, such as the Hunza people, who lived happy and healthy for a long, long time. Some of these myths are just that, a hoax, and that's why separating these ideas from facts are…

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How to Lose Arm Fat

How to Lose Arm Fat by Simply Changing Your Lifestyle

Do you want to lose arm fat and find it quite difficult? This article will guide you on how to have great results. Big arms covered with fat really can destroy your image. It’s something that can influence your general self-confidence. But even this common problem can be fixed if you really decide to change your lifestyle and workout a bit more in…

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Get a Six Pack

Want to Get a Six Pack? Here’s What You Should Know

If you want to get a six pack, this article will help you learn what are the most important things in order to achieve it. We all know that working out is crucial to getting those six packs to show. However, there is more to it than meets the eye. Gearing all your focus and efforts on exercise alone won’t do you much…

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