First-class communication skills are the keys to success in any area of life. These skills can give you an edge in the workplace, forge bonds with your kids and draw you closer to your life partner.

Misunderstandings come about because of poor communication; it holds you back in your career and relationships. So, what are the secrets of getting your messages across successfully? Begin by finding out why communicating well is essential. Discover a few overlooked but useful ways of connecting with others.

Why the fuss over communication skills?

Many people have told you that communication is vital, and you know that it is. But you may not understand why. Numerous studies show that happy marriages, friendships, and business relationships are a result of excellent communication.

And there are other compelling reasons it is necessary. First of all, communication enables a couple to stay together. According to a survey by Your Tango, many breakups happen because of poor communication.

Next, having well-developed communication skills enables you to connect with your children. Able parents are good communicators who set clear boundaries for their young ones. And then, communication skills boost your education and career.

Listening well enables you to absorb the material that others expose you to. Speaking skills will allow you to make a positive first impression on others. You will enjoy success at interviews. The US Department of Labor’s consistent research states that employers value an employee’s listening and speaking skills.

The ability to persuade gives a person a push up the corporate ladder. Furthermore, having excellent communication skills boosts your business. You will be able to present yourself as a knowledgeable professional in your field. The number of people on your contact list will increase, as will your social networking groups.

Communicating allows you to gain the support of family and friends. Moreover, you will form valuable friendships. Communicating well with others lets you enjoy your interactions with them. Lastly, good communication equals joy. Great communicators are happier than their peers because they do well in their careers and relationships.

15 Skills That You May Not Have Heard of But Need in Life

Anyone can communicate, but what makes one person better at it than another? These ten communication skills are not often addressed but are indispensable for success.

1. Self-belief

First of all, great communicators have confidence in themselves. They relate well to others because they believe in their abilities. Have firm beliefs, because they affect the way you interact with others.

2. Sincerity

The next communication skill you must have is sincerity; it is the key to making a great connection. Others believe in you when you mean what you say. Find a way to genuinely relate to others and touch base with them.

3. Consistency

And then, do what you say. Set an example for others by putting your words into action. Others will know that you stand by your words and you will have greater influence.

4. Compromise

In addition, you want others to understand you, so meet them halfway. Realize that yours is not the only real philosophy. Accept others as they are, because you can learn from them.

5. Courage

Many people have a fear of speaking their minds. Develop awareness of your feelings, so that you can convey them to others. Remember to do so tactfully because people will have different reactions to them.

6. Response Timing

The next communication tip is to time your responses. Many people make the mistake of jumping impulsively into conversations. Ask questions so that you know what the other person is trying to put across.

7. Respect

Also, have respect for the people around you because everyone deserves it, no matter their position.

8. Clarification

Furthermore, successful communication rests on how well you clarify doubts. Ask questions, because they confirm a person’s message.

9. Positivity

Maintain a positive demeanor when speaking to others because it shows respect for them and their ideas. It also reflects enthusiasm.

10. Two-way communication

Remember that it takes two people to connect. Allow others to speak and air their views.

11. Be Aware of Hesitancy

One more suggestion is to remove conversation fillers. Using ‘umms’ and ‘ahs’ does little to help you communicate with others. They create awkwardness and make you seem unsure of yourself.

12. Planning

Next, prepare yourself. Have a plan because it will remove conversation gaps. Use the FORD method; family, occupation, recreation and dreams always create common ground.

13. Storytelling

And then, tell a story. Stories are powerful conversation vehicles because they make you persuasive. Share an incident that relates to the topic of discussion.

14. Focus

Next, get rid of distractions because they are conversation killers. Perhaps you cannot put away your technology, but look up occasionally and make eye contact with your conversation partner.

15. Empathy

Finally, have a little understanding because everyone has opinions. To reconcile opposing viewpoints, put yourself in your conversation partner’s shoes. Doing so helps you develop proper responses.

Communication skills take some time to develop but are not elusive. Remember some overlooked ones that will enhance the way you connect with others. Having some awareness will put you ahead of the pack.

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  1. Lifeadvancer User Avatar
    Larry Legaspi

    thanks a lot, you are right more power

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