We have all been there, feeling completely burned out and unable to move out of bed.

We wish that money would grow on trees, and we blame our mental or physical fatigue on whoever has created work for starters.

And the worst part is that we feel like this for a reason that we can’t really explain. So let us talk go straight to the point, and talk about the secret root of a long-term feeling of tiredness. You will also find in the sequence some tips about what to do when you are feeling like this.

1. Sleep deprivation

The most common cause of fatigue is the lack of sleep. And here we aren’t talking only about not sleeping for enough hours, but also about the quality of them. If your bedtime is populated by nightmares or if you wake up several times during the night for no specific reason – you are not hungry or in need to go to the toilet, for instance – you will feel even more tired in the morning.

The number of sleep hours required may vary from person to person, so you should consult your doctor to know what is best for you. There also are plenty of clinics out there specialized in sleep disorders, such as apnoea, snoring, insomnia and daytime sleepiness.

2. Bad choices

Another cause of fatigue is the bad choices we make. We are not happy with our lives in the way they are, so we go to bed feeling sad and restless. We want to make things work in a different way.

There are so many things you wish to be doing instead. Therefore, our brain cannot find the necessary peace to turn itself off. It needs to keep going on with the investigation.

And when the brain is in constant movement, it will overload as any machine would do. And it can generate mental fatigue at first, and, if you keep insisting on it, physical fatigue will be the next step. Therefore, you should try and leave the problems for the daytime and give your mind a chance to rest. Need some help? Try some meditation then.

3. Stressful routine

A fast-paced and stressful routine can contribute a great deal to mental and physical fatigue. As we are prepared to fight against an invisible enemy – because we aren’t in any proper life-threatening situation – our body is filled with adrenaline and other chemicals that stay flowing throughout our bloodstream with no purpose.

As a consequence, our muscle tissues are damaged, and we feel physically tense, especially near our spinal cord. We also face the tiredness of a war that never actually happened. Therefore, when facing this challenge, the point is trying to create some distance from stressful situations and your thoughts. And mindfulness can help you there.

4. Hypoglycaemia

This is one of the major physical causes of fatigue. Hypoglycaemia, or low blood sugar, might be the reason behind why you feel so tired all the time. As your blood sugar levels are too low, you do not have the necessary amount of energy available in order to do your daily tasks. Therefore, you feel fatigued.

Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure if this is your case is by doing a blood exam with your doctor. So if you have not to check it recently and you are feeling constantly tired, you should ask your doctor about it. And rest assured that is quite easy to overcome this problem most of the time.

5. Lack of vitamins or minerals

A lack of vitamins or minerals might also lead to a frequent feeling of fatigue. Here we can especially name low levels of iron, vitamin D and B12 as a culprit. These vitamins and minerals are necessary to make some basic functions of our metabolism happen, so you should also keep them in check. And as you can imagine, fixing it is as easy as taking a couple of tablets or capsules every day.

6. Excess of physical or mental activity

Even if you are having fun, too much of anything is not good for you. So if you are exceeding the maximum amount of physical or mental activity allowed for your body, you will feel fatigued – and the feeling might take longer than expected to go away. Here we will find sports activities to work and video games.

Nothing should be considered as harmless if you are overdoing it, so be honest when you reflect on it. Again, the limits may vary from person to person, so ask your personal trainer, coach, and doctor about it.

7. Medication or illegal drugs

Any extra chemicals in your body might cause some kind of dysfunction. And it includes the use of drugs, legal or not. So if you start taking any new medication, and you notice that you are feeling more tired than usual since, you should notify your doctor immediately. And if you are doing illegal drugs, well, then you certainly know what you have to do.

8. Bad eating habits

Eating too much or too little is always a bad idea for you. If you do not eat enough, you might face the problem mentioned in item 4: low blood sugar levels. And if you eat more than you need, your body will tend to shut itself down for business as it thinks you are preparing to hibernate.

A poor breakfast, or a fatty one, might also leave you without the necessary energy to go throughout your day. So keep both your eyes on how you start your morning. Do not underestimate the power of a great combination of protein and carbs.

9. Depression

Depression is a common psychological cause of fatigue. Actually, what happens is that some people might mistake some of its symptoms, such as lack of interest in doing things or of going out, as tiredness (or even laziness).

So if you know someone who is avoiding people’s company saying that they are just feeling tired, watch out for other signs of depression. And if you are this person, consult your doctor and tell them about it. They are prepared to make a better distinction between fatigue and depression than you.

10. Anxiety

Some people might think that anxiety disorders cannot cause fatigue as they link it to hyperactivity. Despite the fact that it might be true at some level, being in a constant state of alert can make us feel very drained. Still, anxious people will feel restless, even more, because the quality of their sleep is usually very poor. So fatigue is always around them.

Again, if you are feeling anxious for no specific reason or for an extended period of time, you should look for the help of a specialist, so you both can investigate it.

11. Thyroid problems

This is another medical condition that you might want to investigate with your doctor. Your thyroid might not be producing the hormones you need in enough quantity and causing you to feel tired all the time.

12. Dysfunctional Adrenal Glands

And, to complete the list, you will be taking to your doctor, ask them to check if your adrenal glands are functioning normally.

These tiny organs are responsible for producing essential hormones, such as cortisol – that regulates your answer to stress, among other things – and adrenaline, which controls blood flow to your brain and muscles. And it could be the reason behind your constant fatigue.

13. Laziness

And down the road, there is pure and simple procrastination. We do not want to get things done for several reasons, from self-sabotage to indecisiveness, so we feel “tired” as an excuse. So, if you think it might be your case, stop for self-examination to see if there is anyone or anything to blame but yourself for your so-called fatigue.

#Final thoughts

Feeling tired is not a problem itself, but what is causing it might be. You could be ignoring the signs of a disease, a medical condition, some kind of frustration or even a psychological/psychiatric challenge. And the problem might just get bigger because you aren’t dealing with it.

So go ahead and investigate all possibilities. And look for help if necessary. Overcoming long-term fatigue will allow you to feel happier and improve your life quality in no time.

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