Recommendations on how to become a happier and better person. Tips and strategies for personal growth that will help you discover your strengths, improve your personality traits and develop a positive attitude to life.
Could you be unhappy with life without even realizing it? First of all, you need to recognize the signs and explore the reasons for it. Are you generally a happy person, with realistic expectations in life that can be achieved with a little hard work and positive thinking? Or are you secretly unhappy with life, but have no idea what is going wrong…
Do you often feel tired for no reason? Does it sometimes seem to you that you’ve lost interest in everything? Your life balance may be off. Eastern civilizations have incorporated the word “balance” in their daily routine and have made a religion out of it. For many Japanese people, for example, balance is a very core of existence. And if a person gets…
Everyone has gone through a quarter life crisis at some point in their life. This period usually kicks in between 20 and 30 years of age, marking the final step towards becoming an adult. This can be a terrifying period for many young people who don’t have a clue about what to do with themselves. Suddenly, homework help becomes the least of their…
Authentic happiness doesn’t depend on what you do or your friends. Quite the contrary, real happiness is something much more than that. Life can be confusing, especially during those years when you're fighting and trying to gain your footing in the world. Self-love is also fleeting and authentic happiness seems like an emotion that just comes and goes. Unfortunately, during so many of…
What does it mean for someone to reach their true potential? We talk about someone doing this, or failing to do this, all the time, but what do we actually mean by it? When it comes right down to the language, nobody seems to know what we actually mean – and we cannot articulate what we mean either. When people talk about somebody…
There are some negative behavior patterns that you may be following unconsciously and that is destroying your self-confidence without you even knowing. You put on your favorite jeans. You just got new shoes and you love them. Your favorite jacket is ready to go. You look good and you know it. Suddenly, the old patterns emerge. You start having doubts. Maybe the jeans…
Introverts are often mistaken for shy or boring, but it couldn't be further from the truth. The quiet ones can teach the rest of us important life lessons. According to human personality theories, all people can be divided into two types: extroverts and introverts who have a different approach towards life. Extroverts are considered to be sociable people while introverts prefer to stay…
They say life starts at 40, but not all welcome this “new beginning” wholeheartedly. Sometimes, a mid-life crisis sets in. The sudden change of perspective in life is often times an unpleasant experience. Mid-life crisis, now called as a transition, is a stereotypical period in life when people are said to do outrageous, impractical things like quit your job impulsively, buy a red…