Recommendations on how to become a happier and better person. Tips and strategies for personal growth that will help you discover your strengths, improve your personality traits and develop a positive attitude to life.

How to Figure Out What to do With Your Life

How to Figure Out What to Do with Your Life When You’re Lost & Confused

You're dissatisfied, confused and need to figure out what to do with your life. The restlessness is overwhelming. You don't know what your life purpose is, or understand the methods to discover it. You don't have to prolong your angst because there's a way to work through your confusion. How to figure out what to do when you are confused about your life?…

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Why You Are Feeling Lost in Life and What to Do about It

Why You Are Feeling Lost in Life and What to Do about It

If you’re feeling lost in life, you’re not alone, especially if you belong to the younger generation. More than ever people are disconnected from reality and caught up in a fantasy world where everything appears perfect. Everybody seems happy, everybody seems to be living their dream, to be successful, to be making money and to be having fun while they do it. The…

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How Being Attached to Wrong Things Prevents Us from Seeing the Truth about Life

We are attached to so many temporary things in our life. This stops us from seeing the truth about the nature of our existence. It has always amazed me the amount of energy and sacrifice people will put out for something they want because they think it will make them happy. They will get up early, drive through traffic and work hard all…

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Negative Self-Talk Encouraging Inner Voice

How to Turn Your Negative Self-Talk into an Encouraging Inner Voice

All of us are familiar with negative self-talk. Is it possible to turn it into a positive and encouraging inner voice? We all have some critical points in our lives. The moments when we need to make the right decision, to motivate ourselves to do something, to perform to our fullest. At such moments, it is perfectly normal to hesitate. When we do,…

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Why is Music Important

Why Is Music Important to Human Beings?

It’s a question which makes us dig deeper into who we are. Why is music important to human beings? Maybe it’s just like breathing. Although music is an art form, it’s so much more than that. It reaches places where no ordinary mode of speech can travel, and it brings out things that we never knew existed within ourselves. It is almost as…

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Challenges to Do Become Better Person

7 Challenges to Do to Become a Better Person

Everyone has room for improvement in their life for themselves. There are certain challenges to do to achieve this. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you change yourself, but you can without a doubt change whatever conundrum you may be in right now with your life. You can either be constantly stuck in a comfort zone or you can actually sit there and improve…

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stay positive

Saying Stay Positive. You Know, This Advice Doesn’t Always Work!

When you tell me to stay positive, it doesn’t have the effect that you think it does. In fact, sometimes it doesn’t work at all. I’ve had a colorful life, filled with various opinions on subjects ranging from health to happiness. But what it all boils down to are two distinct viewpoints: negativity and positivity. While there were uncles who always saw the glass…

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Zen Habits Change Your Life

10 Zen Habits That Will Change Your Life

If you are like many people, you'll think that life is more complicated than it is. By doing so, you line your way with unnecessary obstacles and pitfalls. Consequently, you impose stress on yourself. You'll need to simplify your life with beneficial zen habits. What is zen, and why should you turn to it? Which are the key habits that will change your…

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