Everyone has gone through a quarter life crisis at some point in their life.

This period usually kicks in between 20 and 30 years of age, marking the final step towards becoming an adult.

This can be a terrifying period for many young people who don’t have a clue about what to do with themselves.

Suddenly, homework help becomes the least of their worries, and there are several signs that a quarter life crisis has begun.

1. Frustration

Being frustrated is nothing out of the ordinary, except that it becomes much more prevalent in the quarter-life crisis. Frustration comes from being annoyed by the world around you, by the way, everyone acts around you without understanding what’s going on.

It can be difficult to shake the feeling of being in the wrong place and wanting to be younger again because the mid-20s don’t make any sense to you.

  • Amending for frustration takes patience, and patience is exactly what you lack at this point. Consider listening to soft music, consulting a favorite professor or a counselor or talk to an older friend or a family member.

2. Anxiety

Being anxious about exams or your job can also factor into the quarter life crisis you are experiencing. Wanting something to be over as soon as possible will make you tremble with anticipation – this is not something you need in your 20s.

You won’t make the time go faster if you are angry and bursting at anyone who tries to help you.

  • Anxiety can be dealt in a similar manner to frustration, albeit with emphasis on calm and serenity. Some people try writing for money or find different hobbies to pass their time and calm themselves. For others, new relationships or physical activity help a lot.

3. Being told what to do

One of the worst parts of growing up is being told what to do when you don’t feel like it. It will become much more dominant in your 20s when people start telling you that you should find a stable job, move out of your parents’ house and get married.

Being a child yourself, it’s hard to take these suggestions calmly and simply nod your head, and frustrations are always what follow.

  • Instead of jumping at someone who comments on your current life choices, try thinking about it objectively. That person is not in your shoes and doesn’t know what you want from life. Let it come in one ear and out the other without fighting for your right to be independent – you already are.

4. General detachment

People in their 20s want personal space more than anything. You have enough going on with your quarter life crisis that you don’t need advice from people who are just prodding at you every chance they get.

Consider using custom writing for any papers you need writing while this feeling is still with you and focus on yourself. Don’t drift too far away from your family in your detachment because they will sorely miss you.

  • Try spending as much time with your family as possible. You can at least have dinner together and let them know you are okay so they don’t worry about you. Your parents have gone through a similar crisis when they were younger but times have changed since then – try understanding that and have some patience with them and yourself.

5. Lack of motivation

Motivating yourself into anything other than basic responsibilities can prove exhausting in your mid-20s. The reason for this is a general lack of motivation in regards to current obligations and future responsibility.

Young people are simply overwhelmed by the amount of work they need to start doing at a certain age and decide to give it up altogether since it’s easier to do so.

  • Creating a schedule, doing some college writing and doing things one step at a time can be a good solution to this problem. Even though your quarter life crisis is in effect, you can manage to do bits of work here and there and get to where you need to be.

6. Wanting to escape

Being young generally, means that you want to escape your life and go someplace different. The amount of pressure and expectations your parents have of you can prove too much to handle and the only viable solution is getting out of there.

The truth is that you depend on your parents as long as you live in their house, and there is no way to escape if you are passive and decide not to do anything.

  • Finding a part-time job and saving money can be a good start to move out of the house should you want to. You can also go to your friend’s house for a sleepover or go on a road trip to clear your head with people of your age.

7. Not fitting in

Something that signifies a quarter life crisis is also very dangerous for mental health, and that is the feeling of not belonging anywhere. Not fitting in with your friends or colleagues can sometimes be amended by asking for writing help and starting a conversation.

Most of the time it requires specialized help or to push yourself to be social even though you don’t feel like it.

  • You can work on your belonging by looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend or simply flirting with people you think you like. Also, finding part-time work helps in dealing with a sense of belonging by giving you something to look forward to each day.


Quarter life crisis comes and goes just like any other phase in life. The trick is to go through it as unchanged as possible and not do something you might regret later on.

Be open to new experiences but try to stay yourself and not hurt anyone in the process. Grow as a person and live your life to its fullest.

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