Chakra Cleansing Natural Methods

How to Perform Chakra Cleansing with These Natural Methods

If you feel ill-at-ease spiritually, you probably need a dose of chakra cleansing. Spring clean your soul, just as you would your home. Chakra cleansing helps with the former. We introduce you to the different chakras and how to clear them the natural, life-giving way. What Is Chakra? Chakra is the body's energy center. You may see it as a freeway through which…

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Reaching Your True Potential

Why You Are Not Reaching Your True Potential and What to Do about It

What does it mean for someone to reach their true potential? We talk about someone doing this, or failing to do this, all the time, but what do we actually mean by it? When it comes right down to the language, nobody seems to know what we actually mean – and we cannot articulate what we mean either. When people talk about somebody…

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How to Deal with Passive Aggressive People

How to Deal with Passive-Aggressive People: Science-Backed Tips

It’s not always easy to figure out the ways to deal with passive-aggressive people. They love to make you feel as though you are going crazy. The truth about dealing with passive-aggressive people lies within our ability to stay sane. So basically, they do have the power to drive us crazy, if we let them. Considering I lived for decades with a narcissist,…

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Change Your Life

If You Want to Change Your Life, Do These 11 Uncomfortable Things

Improvements aren’t always easy to make. If you want to change your life, however, uncomfortable moves are sometimes necessary. Are you feeling stagnant at the moment? Maybe life has reached a plateau and you find yourself falling into a humdrum. This happens to many of us, in fact, everyone comes to a point in their life where things seem to lose their flavor.…

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Big Ego

Signs That You Have a Too Big Ego and How It Can Ruin Your Life

Do you have a big ego? If you do, your conversations might start with 'I,' 'Me,' and 'My.' According to renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud, our egos regulate our impulses. They remind us to take socially responsible actions. But an over-inflated ego may cause us to become self-serving and seek immediate gratification. This self-centeredness can destroy relationships. How would you know if your ego…

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Karmic Relationship

What Is a Karmic Relationship and 7 Signs You Are in One

A karmic relationship may easily get confused with a soulmate connection, however, these two are actually much different. While both karmic lovers and soulmates are people whom you feel deep connections with, only soulmates are meant to spend your life with you. Karmic relationships, on the other hand, are meant to be intense yet brief. Entering your life only to teach you a lesson,…

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Love Yourself First and You Will Be Loved by Others

Love Yourself First and You Will Be Loved by Others

People say that if you love yourself first, others will love you too. Is it true? Does self-love really lead to being loved by others? Most of us already know the importance of self-worth – how it shapes our lives and takes us to great heights. But, when it comes to love, we tend to let go of our esteem, and blatantly expect…

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Buddhist Monk

10 Eye-Opening Life Lessons Learned from a Buddhist Monk

Life presents challenges occasionally, as every Buddhist Monk will share. We can turn these into strengths, with some guidance. A Buddhist Monk offers lessons that will open our eyes and push us forward. 1. Keep trying We should, first of all, continue trying to overcome challenges when we fail. A Buddhist Monk will suggest that we should look at problems from different perspectives…

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