Types of Toxic Relationships You Want to Avoid

10 Types of Toxic Relationships You Want to Avoid

Different types of toxic relationships can be dangerous for your mental health and your life in general. So, you have to be careful with your dating life. Dating is a minefield, and an unruly, unfair minefield. But wouldn’t it be great if you had a map to avoid the miscreants, idiots and general fools you encounter when you do date? Below are 10…

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People who post gym selfies on social media are indeed narcissists

People Who Post Gym Selfies on Social Media Are Indeed Narcissists, Science Confirms

Are you posting gym selfies on social media? Guess what... Science says you are or tend to become a narcissist! Let’s be honest, each of us has at least one friend on the social media friends list who is constantly posting his or her daily routine in the gym. Or maybe that person is you? The descriptions under the photo “I lifted 100…

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How to Lose Arm Fat

How to Lose Arm Fat by Simply Changing Your Lifestyle

Do you want to lose arm fat and find it quite difficult? This article will guide you on how to have great results. Big arms covered with fat really can destroy your image. It’s something that can influence your general self-confidence. But even this common problem can be fixed if you really decide to change your lifestyle and workout a bit more in…

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Friends and Other People Mistreat You

5 Reasons Why Your Friends and Other People Mistreat You

Do your friends or people in your circle mistreat you? In this article, you will learn why this happens and how to stop anyone from doing it. Friendships are always very different and unique. We all have friends! Some of us have a lot of them; some of us have only a few, but human interactions and building connections are in our nature…

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Loving Yourself Enough

3 Signs You Aren’t Loving Yourself Enough, and How to Fix It

Do you think that you may not be loving yourself enough? Let's find out. My mother always told me that if I didn’t love myself, I couldn’t accept the love that someone else wanted to share with me; and I think she was incredibly insightful when she said that. We are bombarded with beautiful, successful people on a daily basis, and it’s easy…

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Stop Justifying Yourself to Others

7 Reasons Why You Should Stop Justifying Yourself to Others and Just Do Your Thing

Are you used to justifying yourself? In this article, you will find some good reasons to stop doing it. What people think of me is none of my business! After all, I don’t think about them at all. Justifying yourself can simply be defined as explaining who you are, why you are who you are, why you believe what you believe, why you…

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Challenges Only Female Entrepreneurs Can Relate to

8 Challenges Only Female Entrepreneurs Can Relate to (and How to Beat Them)

Women are starting new businesses in record numbers, and they are facing unique challenges caused by social expectations placed upon women. Here are eight challenges unique to female entrepreneurs, and how to handle them. 1. Fewer Role Models Role models are critical for personal and professional development. Entrepreneurs look to those that have gone before them for guidance on how to build a…

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the Power of Music Enhance Your Health

Let the Power of Music Enhance Your Health and Outlook

The power of music provides a number of benefits related to our health. Most of us have heard the expression, “music soothes the savage breast.” What is stated in poetry is sometimes validated by reality. Many people can attest to the power of music to improve their state of mind, release stress, and foster self-expression. Some studies have shown that music also has…

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