Unloved Daughters

6 Ways That Unloved Daughters Struggle In Life

An unloved daughter will have a harder life than most, no matter how rich or privileged she is in other ways. When a child does not receive proper affection from her family, she will not develop the social skills necessary to form healthy relationships. Even if unloved daughters find love later in life, they will always be affected negatively by their loveless parents.…

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Ready to Settle Down

You’re Ready to Settle Down When You Experience These 9 Things

Everyone experiences the urge to settle down at different points in their life. Do you feel you may be ready? While some are ready to settle down soon after high school or college, others may need more time to move around and discover their path in life. Are you one of those people who thought you’d never want to settle down? You may…

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Perfect Woman

What It Takes to Be a Perfect Woman in Today’s Society

I am not a perfect woman, and far from it. But in case you’re looking for her, society has a distinct blueprint. I’m going to try not to get too emotional while writing this, as I am not the ideal mother or the perfect woman. I am deeply flawed and far from the female, bragged about in Proverbs 31 (It’s a book in…

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Low Self-Confidence

6 Signs That It’s Low Self-Confidence And Not Love

Often those with low self-confidence feel more worthy when they have a significant other to tell them they are. Having a person to call your “special someone” is one of the best feelings in the world, but is it so nice because you’re truly in love or because your low self-confidence has just risen a tiny bit? It can be easy to confuse…

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How to Figure Out What to do With Your Life

How to Figure Out What to Do with Your Life When You’re Lost & Confused

You're dissatisfied, confused and need to figure out what to do with your life. The restlessness is overwhelming. You don't know what your life purpose is, or understand the methods to discover it. You don't have to prolong your angst because there's a way to work through your confusion. How to figure out what to do when you are confused about your life?…

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Negative Self-Talk Encouraging Inner Voice

How to Turn Your Negative Self-Talk into an Encouraging Inner Voice

All of us are familiar with negative self-talk. Is it possible to turn it into a positive and encouraging inner voice? We all have some critical points in our lives. The moments when we need to make the right decision, to motivate ourselves to do something, to perform to our fullest. At such moments, it is perfectly normal to hesitate. When we do,…

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overly attached to the past

10 Signs That You Might Be Overly Attached to Your Past

You might be overly attached to your past, and you might not even be aware of it. Have you ever had that feeling that there’s something going consistently wrong with your life and that you just can’t seem to get it right? 1. You keep making the same mistakes. Do you ever get a Déjà vu feeling about your experiences in life? If…

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Toxic Family Members

Toxic Family Members and How to Recognize Them

The words "toxic family members"make my stomach turn. Let me help you recognize these people and improve your relationship with them. First off, it’s hard to talk about something that has impacted my life with such fierce control. This is especially true if you’re still dealing with said toxic family members. Oftentimes, I’d rather talk about something else to keep from becoming overwhelmed…

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