Gut Instincts You Should Always Pay Attention To

5 Gut Instincts You Should Always Pay Attention To

That funny tingling in your tummy, a quick urge to do something, that squeaky little voice ringing in your head! All of you would have experienced such feelings some or the other time in your life. And that is what precisely you would call a gut feeling. While instincts are natural, these are not exactly your thoughts. These can be considered as the…

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Superhuman Benefits of Meditation

26 Scientifically Proven Superhuman Benefits of Meditation

I have a confession to make… I know meditation is meant to be good for you but I don’t meditate every day. I go through cycles of meditating 20 minutes a day and then slowly ‘forget’ and slide into not meditating until I feel I need to — until I feel like crap. Sound familiar? But recently things have been different. For the last 30 days, I’ve…

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The Voice of Your Ego, Intuition and Spirit Guides

The Voice of Your Ego, Intuition and Spirit Guides

We all have voices in our heads but whose voice is it? How can we tell the difference between the ego, the intuition and the voice of your spirit guides? Thousands of thoughts enter in and out of our mind every minute of every day, some consciously and some subconsciously. Being aware of all the voices in your mind is challenging but also…

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Buddhist Wisdom

12 Pieces of Buddhist Wisdom That Will Transform Your Life

Transformation cannot be done without great knowledge. As a matter of fact, the principles of Buddhist wisdom can permanently change everything. Relying on your own knowledge helps you understand many things about your life, this is true. But, your own human knowledge will fall short. If you're still young, your wisdom is limited even more so. Learning from your elders is one way…

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Meditation and Mindfulness to Improve Your Life

How to Use Meditation and Mindfulness to Improve Your Life

With everyday stresses putting pressure on all of our lives, it sometimes becomes hard to feel motivated and with the weight of the world on your shoulders, you may become unhappy with your life. Meditation and Mindfulness are two approaches that are generally associated with relaxation and appreciating the world around you. However, they can also be used as a part of everyday…

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life-changing rituals

11 Life-Changing Rituals for an Excellent Start of the Day

We live in busy times when most of us have to work around 40 hours a week. In order to lead this kind of lifestyle, one should sort their time and energy properly throughout the whole day. Healthy morning life-changing rituals can really have a positive impact on the way you spend your day. Not everyone realizes that what you do and the…

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Ways to Connect With Your Soul

3 Ways to Connect With Your Soul

Everyone talks about connecting with their soul or their higher self, but what does this really feel like? How do you know when you are connecting with your true essence on a deeper level? To discover your soul means to uncover your true inner being, understand your purpose and your passions and understand what makes you feel whole. Once you are aligned with…

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Types of Meditation

7 Types of Meditation: Which One Is Best for You?

Thousands of people have begun the journey of personal health. To achieve the maximum level of health one must eat well, exercise regularly, and improve their mental well-being. People struggle most often to improve their mental well-being because it is the most ambiguous and hardest to see tangible results. Meditation is the best way to mentally reduce stress and develop an air of…

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