Meditation Without the Mystique- A Guide for Sceptics

Meditation Without the Mystique: A Guide for Sceptics

Many people are nervous about the idea of meditation; they see it as a religious practice and would rather steer clear. But meditation has plenty to offer for even the most diehard atheist. Meditation: Not Just a Craze for Spiritual Fanatics Meditation has been practiced in India for centuries as a way to achieve physical and psychological well-being. But in the skeptical West,…

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Apps To Help You Manage Your Life

5 Apps To Help You Manage Your Life

For many people, apps have become part of life, even without realizing many people use apps nearly every day for a plethora of reasons, from listening to music on the go to play games and automating their homes. Apps are extremely useful, but can they go beyond being useful, can they actually help you to manage your life, saving you time, increasing productivity…

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Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation, According to Scientific Studies

It is a wide-known fact that meditation is a powerful tool against stress, fatigue and anxiety, but did you know that it has some amazing health benefits? However, numerous scientific studies have shown that mindfulness meditation not only makes you relaxed and helps you unleash your inner potential but also significantly benefits your health and affect your body on a physical and even…

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Mindfulness Meditation to get a Better Night’s Sleep

How to use Mindfulness Meditation to get a Better Night’s Sleep

The Buddhist practice of mindfulness meditation has been increasingly adopted by the western world as evidence of its benefit has spread. As well as hundreds of years of endorsement by the Buddhist monks who utilize mindfulness meditation on a daily basis, western medicine has conducted empirical research into mindfulness meditation that shows how it can be beneficial for us all on a practical…

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get yourself to meditate

Three Quick and Simple Ways to Get Yourself to Meditate

Have you ever found yourself wondering how other people manage to fit so much into their lives? Their social life is packed, their house is always tidy and they even find the time to do yoga or meditate. The thing is we’re programmed to believe that some tasks look bigger than they actually are. Do you also believe that you are too busy…

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5 Meaningful Methods of Meditation You Should Practice Daily

There’s a myriad of methods for meditation. Some are easy and some are difficult. All require daily practice to perfect. Here are five of the most popular methods of meditation and what they each bring to the Meditation Table. Here’s why You Should Mix them for Maximum Mindfulness. MINDFULNESS, OR SPIRITUAL METHOD: A most popular method comes from Buddhist meditation practice of Vipassana.…

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Mindfulness Meditation Can Significantly Alleviate Stress

Just 25 Minutes Of Mindfulness Meditation Can Significantly Alleviate Stress

American scientists studied the effects of mindfulness meditation on stress levels and came to the conclusion that just three consecutive days of 25-minute meditation can significantly alleviate stress. The technique of mindfulness meditation has helped many people to improve the overall state of their mind and body. However, until now, most studies have been mainly focused only on the therapeutic effects of long-term…

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high-intensity workout and stretch

A High-Intensity Workout + Stretch You Can Use All Summer

It only takes stretching and a regular high-intensity workout to stay in shape this summer. Why not try this out! Maybe the last thing you want to do is a high-intensity workout, I know I get reluctant to take this plunge on a regular basis. I used to work out like this, even partaking of a daily stretch before my workout began. Even…

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