simple pleasures in life

7 Simple Pleasures That Will Make Your Life Brighter

Put some small sparks in your day by adding some simple pleasures to your life. We all have goals. Everyone knows what they want to accomplish by the end of the month, by the end of the year, and perhaps even five years from now. We work hard and enjoy some big pleasures – a vacation to someplace great; perhaps the birth of…

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Met Your Twin Flame

5 Ways to Know You Have Met Your Twin Flame

Sometimes a person will come into your life and you instantly feel a deep connection with them. You’re comfortable with them from the moment you meet and you have the same thoughts, opinions, and feelings about everything – this is your twin flame. If you’ve met your twin flame already, chances are you will identify with the following points, if not – don’t…

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Uncomfortable Feelings Indicate the Right Track

15 Uncomfortable Feelings That Indicate You Are on the Right Track

Changing and evolving are difficult things to do. In fact, they are so difficult that doing so or even planning to do so can drum up all types of uncomfortable feelings that aren't very pleasant at all. Unfortunately, many people interpret these uncomfortable feelings as signs that they shouldn't proceed. So, they stop and so does the progress they were making. If you are…

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Keep Love and Passion Alive in Your Marriage

How to Keep Love and Passion Alive in Your Marriage

Many of us hit the dead end in our marriage after a couple of years due to a variety of reasons. The most common one is taking each other for granted because it has been ingrained in our minds that once we get hitched it is the beginning of one’s happily ever after. If this was indeed the case then most marriages today…

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Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

3 Ways to Finally Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparing yourself to others can leave you drained, unhappy and ultimately insecure in yourself because you’re looking at the things that they have, that you don’t, instead of focusing on the positives you have yourself. In today’s society, it’s easier than ever to compare yourself to others around you. Making yourself feel this way has hugely negative effects that you may not even…

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Amazing Psychological Benefits of Non-Sexual Touching

6 Amazing Psychological Effects of Non-Sexual Touching

When thinking of our five senses, the four most popular ones come to mind: sight, hearing, smell, and taste. But people don’t often realise how imperative touch can be to us, as humans, and how non-sexual touching at the correct time in the appropriate place can have a strong psychological effect. Here we present you 6 psychological effects of non-sexual touching: 1. Money…

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How to Enjoy Fall

How to Enjoy Fall and Make the Most of This Season

Oh, those fall feelings... Growing up, I hated Fall, with a passion. Really. Worst. Season. Ever. Anyone else shares my childhood repulsion of those times when the weather turned cold, pools closed for the season and then there was that dreaded first day back to school? Yet, as the calendar pages have flipped many times over, a switch in me has also flipped,…

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Hinder Your Relationship

4 Thought Patterns That Hinder Your Relationship

As we try to build relationships to be the best they can be, we often let ourselves dwell on negative thoughts that will hinder your relationship over time. While many think that these fears are just passing thoughts, for some they are just moments of doubt. However, for many more, there is a fear that is always gnawing in the back of their…

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