Simple Tricks to Improve Your Day

5 Simple Tricks to Improve Your Day

We all have those days where nothing goes right and a quick pick-me-up is needed, but there are also days where everything is fine. On those days, there are 5 simple tricks you can practice to improve your day, every day. 1. Tidy your space Whether it’s your workspace, living space or just your car, cleaning out one of the places you spend…

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Past Relationship

How to Remove Attachments to a Past Relationship and Move On

PROCEED WITH CAUTION: The only way this article will make sense to you is if you have had an encounter or relationship with a soul that was put in your path to help you dive deep into clearing past life soul Karma. About five years ago, I was involved in the most manipulative and energetically parasitic relationship I could have ever imagined. I…

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higher self

10 Steps To Contacting Your Higher Self

The Higher Self is that part of you that connects you directly to the spiritual realms. It is eternal, infinitely wise and transcends our everyday consciousness. It is in touch with the Divine because it is part of it. Attaining knowledge of the Higher Self, and its depths of inner wisdom is the goal of the spiritual question in all its many guises.…

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Thích Nhất Hạnh

30 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Thích Nhất Hạnh

When I think of Thích Nhất Hạnh, words like – stillness, love, compassion, peace and oneness, come to mind. And even though these are some really beautiful and powerful words, they somehow can’t really express the beautiful, pure and loving feelings that I get from reading Thích Nhất Hạnh’s books and watching his beautiful videos. Thích Nhất Hạnh is someone who’s work I…

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psychic phenomena

Raising Your Vibration: How It Happens and Why It’s Important

There are so much change and excitement in the air. Can you feel it? Have you noticed shifts in your way of thinking? Raising Your Vibration is a very important task. The pull towards different interests, a change in habits, the way you think and feel? Inspiration to step up your exercise regime? Diets are changing with so much more people less tolerant…

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Highly Sensitive People

Science Explains What’s Different About Highly Sensitive People

Are you the type of person who cannot ignore heartache? If so, then you are one of many highly sensitive people. Do you find yourself crying over "little things"? Do you have a strange gift for perception, especially when it comes to social situations? Highly sensitive people have the ability to notice everything, and in turn, everything brings an emotional response. Be it…

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