Annoying Things Push People Away

8 Annoying Things You May Be Doing That Push People Away

There are some annoying things some people do that push others away. While some people effortlessly make friends left and right, others have a more difficult time. Are you one of those people who wonder why they can’t seem to keep a friend? It’s possible you have certain traits that others find annoying. Subtle actions may be producing negative tension between you and…

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Everything Happens for a Reason

Still Don’t Believe Everything Happens for a Reason? Consider This

Some people have faith that everything happens for a reason, while others are not so sure. Merely thinking about the possibility of the fact that everything happens for a reason can be overwhelming. Your thoughts can spiral out in so many different directions and you can question even the most minute aspects of life; “Did that yellow butterfly just land on the bench…

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Get Happy Science Backed Rituals

How to Get Happy with These 5 Science-Backed Rituals

Want to get happy? Check out these tips backed by scientific studies. What’s the point of work, family, exercise, reading, watching movies, and waking up in the morning? What’s the point of living, anyway? We may be aspiring to career success, family values, or personal growth. The point is always the same: being happy. We all know the basic rules of being happy:…

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Romantic Relationship Truths Learned

6 Wise Romantic Relationship Truths Learned from Nuns

Is your romantic relationship in need of fine-tuning? Advice may come from unexpected sources. You may perceive the religious as having a narrow view of love and relationships in the conventional sense. After all, they abide by a vow of celibacy. Going on a retreat with Buddhist nuns, Catholic priests or members of other religious communities may widen your view. While they may…

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Languages of Love

The 5 Languages of Love and Why They Are More Important Than Saying ‘I Love You’

Expressing yourself through the different languages of love will have a great impact on your relationships. Many of us struggle to express our love for others. Such obstacles to communication are not limited to romantic relationships. They extend to family, friends, and colleagues. Making our feelings known to our loved ones is essential, no matter how uncomfortable it is. Expressing love through different…

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Signs Nice Girl Syndrome Stops You Being Happy

7 Signs You Have a Nice Girl Syndrome Which Stops You from Being Happy

Living as a nice girl means you are living a lie. You are lying to yourself and to those around you. By living this way, you lose touch with your true feelings. Below are some signs to look out for if you think you might be a nice girl: 1. Feeling you are not good enough “Nice girls” live by the principle that…

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Signs It’s Time End a Friendship

It’s Time to End a Friendship If These 7 Things Happen

Do you feel the need to just end a friendship? Sometimes certain friendships can be extremely toxic to your life. They end up bringing the worst out of you, or worse, they just add to your problems. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been friends with someone - if they aren’t good for you, there comes a time they should leave your life.…

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Toxic Mix Why Empaths and Narcissists Attracted

The Toxic Mix: Why Empaths and Narcissists Are Attracted To Each Other

Opposites attract, as the law of magnetism states. It is a true one and indeed, and applies in relationships. Diametrically different personalities attract each other like the opposite poles of a magnet. So it is with empaths and narcissists. Each personality type has distinct traits. While the former character is sensitive, astute and self-sacrificing, the latter is manipulative and egocentric. A relationship between…

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