Articles about healthy food and nutrition. Healthy eating habits, cooking methods and recipes. Various diets and everything you should know about them. Here you will also learn about superfoods and unexpected health benefits of different foods and spices.

regrown from scraps

15 Foods That Can Be Regrown From Scraps

I love gardening. Well, not actually the work behind the gardening so much – it’s the harvesting that I really look forward to. There is nothing like fresh veggies from your own personal garden! I actually just planted a bunch of things in my vegetable garden and may have gone a little plant happy at the feed & seed store. Oops. Obviously, we…

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Butter In Their Coffee-2

Why Everyone Is Suddenly Putting Butter in Their Coffee

There was a time everyone used to ignore butter. People had stopped using it on their bread, given the fact that it is rich in calories. But it looks as if there is a change in the air. People are using butter in their coffee as a substitute for cream and sugar. Well, that definitely looks like a lifestyle choice rather than a…

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Diet Types

This Should End The Debate Between Diet Types

“Vegans Are Too Weak & Are Too Low Energy To Train With Me.” The man who said these words is Ido Portal, an amazingly talented individual who has mastered the art of movement. But why would he say such a thing? This is what I want to address today. The reason why I say “end the debate” is because it’s become more about…

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Powerful Food Combinations for Your Health

11 Most Powerful Food Combinations for Your Health

Have you ever wonder why you are using certain food combinations? I bet you never paid attention to the fact that orange juice tastes wonderful with a bowl of oatmeal, or a salad put together with fresh greens and ripe tomatoes are exactly what you are craving. Powerful food combinations There is a reason why we love these interesting combos. In fact, there…

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Alkaline Foods To Eat Everyday

Top 6 Alkaline Foods to Eat Every Day for Vibrant Health

How healthy is your diet? Well, unfortunately, if you eat a typical American diet, it will mostly consist of toxic fried foods, processed sugars, and artificial additives. Along with the lack of sleep, stress and pharmaceutical drugs that today’s society has learned to live with, it’s not surprising that the disease diagnosis rate is increasing on a daily basis. To live a healthy…

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Hungry Planet What the World Eats

Hungry Planet: How Much Food is Eaten Around the World in One Week

30 Families, 24 Countries, 600 Meals - One Extraordinary Book. In Hungry Planet, Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio present a photographic study of families from around the world, revealing what people eat during the course of one week. Each family's profile includes a detailed description of their weekly food purchases; photographs of the family at home, at the market, and in their community;…

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Superfoods Improve Your Memory

7 Great Foods for Memory and Cognitive Functions

Work and various lifestyles are putting a strain on our memory. Fortunately, there are some foods that are great for our memory and overall brain health. It seems we've left the healthy life in exchange for digital slavery. Computers, smartphones and various devices have taken over the world. We've lost our ability to live at optimal health. Well, maybe we're not completely lost,…

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Tips to Reduce Food Waste in Your Home

How to Reduce Food Waste in Your Home and Why You Should Do It

Reducing food waste in your home is one of the best things you can do to minimize the effect you have on the environment. It will not only mean that overall less food needs to be produced. It also means reducing the carbon footprint of food manufacturing as well as reducing other negative environmental side-effects of food production. When you reduce food waste,…

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