Tips on how to become more successful and productive, as well as reach your career goals and find the job of your dreams. Learn how to fulfill your potential by following a career path that is in accordance with your life purpose.
I remember my mom’s mid-life crisis. She was about 40, I guess when she decided that teaching rich kids in an exclusive private school was meaningless. So she just walked away. The following fall found her in a dingy classroom in one of the poorest school districts in our city, a classroom in which we spent many weekends scrubbing, painting, and sanding off…
Freelancing has become a common phenomenon and a huge amount of people have taken it as a full-time job. The increase in the number of freelance writers shows the opportunities that it brings with itself. Though you have the flexibility to work according to your convenience you cannot compromise on the quality of work. With the increase in writers, the competition rises at…
With our daylight hours getting a little longer each day thanks to Daylight Savings, we are often reminded how much we need to accomplish in a day. Having a loaded plate works for some, heck some people even work better under extreme deadlines, most of us through, we lock up during these times. Instead of trying to find ways to be more productive…
The attitude that is conditioned into our psyche from a young age is that we have to learn a skill and use that to get a job in order to earn money, which in term feeds the growth of the economy. One question I think almost every day but I find many other people don’t give it a second thought is why do…
Finding your dream job is easier than you think. In fact, it's just a few swipes away on your iPhone. Now that you have the latest and greatest in cell phone technology in the palm of your hand, you can leverage the Apple ecosystem to discover software that will aid you professionally. Here are the seven best career apps that will give your…
Google is famous not only for being a multimillion company, creating one of the biggest (if not the biggest) search engines that currently exist on the web. It is also revered and coveted by many other companies for its smart tactics regarding its employees. Tactics that have resulted in Google employees giving it the highest rating year after year. Lots of myth surrounds…
Using touch as a technique of healing has been in practice for thousands of years. It was learned early on that the manipulation of the muscles and the tissues can drastically improve the integrity of the body and mind. While it is unclear as to where the massage actually originated, archeological evidence has traced the technique back to ancient Egypt as well as…
When I was in college trying to figure out what to do with my life, I did many things to help me find direction and guidance. I was in search of my meaning and purpose. “What am I here to do?” “What does the universe want me to do? What’s my life mission?” While I was asking myself these profound questions, I regret…