Articles about mental health conditions and how to achieve psychological wellbeing. Tips on how to cope with mental disorders and maintain a balance of the mind, body and spirit to feel healthy and happy.

Going Outdoors

Going Outdoors and Its Mental Health Benefits – Infographic

Did you know that going outdoors and spending just 15 minutes in the sun every day can have incredible benefits on a person’s mood and mental health? Those of us seeking to improve our mental wellbeing know the importance of exercise in that process. Less well known are the benefits of going outdoors and spending time outside in the sun. In this article,…

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What Is an ESA Dog and What You Should Know Before Getting One

What is an ESA dog? Emotional support animals (ESA) are fast gaining popularity among people who are suffering from mental or emotional problems. They provide the comfort, companionship, and affection needed when trying to cope with the symptoms or effects of an emotional or mental disability. If you’re considering getting an ESA dog, there are a few things you should keep in mind.…

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what Does Stress do to your Body

What Does Stress Do to Your Body and How to Release It?

If you knew what stress does to your body, you would think again before letting yourself fall into the trap of anxious thoughts and negativity. Stress is a pesky fly that never seems to go away. With our busy lifestyles, it's hard to shake it off. The good news is that there are ways to release it. The 11 Signs & Effects of…

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Social Media Addiction

7 Warning Signs That You Have a Social Media Addiction

Social media addiction is more real and dangerous than you could imagine. Could you be suffering? Here are some signs to help you find out. Do you constantly reach for your phone? Do you get that sense of panic when you can’t find it? Are your friends and family constantly competing for your attention? These are some of the signs of social media…

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Afternoon Nap

Here Is What an Afternoon Nap Does to Your Body and Mind

Most of us find it difficult to get through the day without an afternoon nap. But some people consider it to be a sign of laziness. Is it really so? But the ongoing debate on whether your noon siesta does good or bad to you is a never-ending one. Do you ever find yourself wondering why you needed an afternoon nap? It’s not…

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How to Control Your Emotions

How to Control Your Emotions with These Science-Based Hacks

If you are easily overwhelmed, you might want to know how to control your emotions. Why? A lack of emotional control can cause upsetting situations. It also compromises your health. Managing your feelings has benefits. The good news is that there are science-based ways to control your emotions. You'll find some of them helpful and stimulating as I did. The Benefits of Emotional…

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mental health disorders

Mental Health Disorders: How to Cope When Your Loved One Is Diagnosed

Mental health disorders are becoming more and more of a problem throughout the world. What to do if your child or loved one is diagnosed? These disorders should be taken very seriously because they can affect the ailing individual’s moods, thoughts, and behaviors. Sometimes this results in the victim doing odd and harmful things. This is why it is imperative that as a…

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Mineral and Vitamin Deficiencies

10 Startling Mineral and Vitamin Deficiencies That Cause Depression

There are many things that cause depression. Believe it or not, mineral and vitamin deficiencies are one of those factors! If you suffer from depression, most likely you've already been properly diagnosed and matched with a regimen of antidepressants. This is the common case when it comes to most people who suffer from mental disorders of various kinds. Counseling is also common, followed…

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