Articles about mental health conditions and how to achieve psychological wellbeing. Tips on how to cope with mental disorders and maintain a balance of the mind, body and spirit to feel healthy and happy.

Naturally Reduce Cortisol

Naturally Reduce Cortisol to Beat Stress and Anxiety in 5 Minutes!

You can reduce cortisol levels easier than you think. It all revolves around how you deal with stress and anxiety Stress and anxiety are killers, literally. They can do life-long damage to your body in more ways than one. But I won’t focus on that today, instead, I want to talk about the effects of cortisol and how to keep it regulated. It…

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Daily Meditation Is A Must

Daily Meditation Is a Must If You Belong to One of These Categories

When you hear the word 'meditation,' you may think of people who have disconnected from mainstream society. Daily meditation may seem pointless. You may find it impossible to sit in a spot and do nothing. However, it has benefits for your happiness and health. So who should practice it? What Is Daily Meditation? Meditation stresses awareness of yourself and your surroundings. It means…

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use breathing techniques

Breathing Techniques for Anxiety, Heart Problems and Other Health Issues

Although often forgotten, breathing techniques are one of the best ways for solving many health concerns. When we are born, we breathe properly. We breathe through our belly, and we take deep long breaths. This fundamental breathing technique is giving enough of oxygen to all our organs, and the result comes in an energized and healthy organism. So it's not a mystery why…

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Signs Smartphone Addiction

Signs of Smartphone Addiction: Have You Become a Slave of Your Phone?

There is a new era contagious additions. A fingertip away. The SMARTPHONE addiction. It gradually prowls its way to anywhere and everywhere, not exclusive to the techno-savvy as per initial introduction. It weaves its way to become a key life necessity. And yes, not many can do without one. The first touches and you are hooked, for you can easily get hooked….for life.…

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Manage Stress Calm Nerves

How to Manage Stress & Calm Nerves: 6 Weird Things That Work!

Learn how to manage stress and instantly feel calmer with these 6 science-backed methods. Stress, unfortunately, plays a significant role in modern life. An increasing number of people are facing more pressure than ever before and between the demands of the An increasing number of people are facing more pressure than ever before, and between the demands of the workplace, a society that…

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Prisoners Get Outdoors Frequently Children

Study: Prisoners Get Outdoors More Frequently Than Children

Research shows that three-quarters of British children get outdoors more rarely than prisoners, as a result of "the digital age". Contemporary digital technology and parental fear are the main reasons which lead children to have an isolated lifestyle. Since children today spend little time outdoors, their health is pretty impaired. Often, they lose their sense of environment. Scientists explain that the active playing…

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Signs Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

6 Signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Unusual Steps to Deal with It

Everyone feels exhausted after a long day of school or work. If that tiredness is constant, it can become debilitating. This condition is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. How would patients detect their signs? Coping with this complex syndrome takes more than getting enough rest. Patients need to manage it with unique strategies. What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? The term is self-explanatory. Another name for…

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words and phrases

Common Words and Phrases That Program Your Body for Illness

You may not realize it, but what you say may affect your well-being more profoundly than you think. The words and phrases you use can either boost or destroy your health. Research by famed German psychotherapist Nossrat Peseschkian supports this theory. It reveals that the negative things we say may introduce illness in our bodies. How our language affects our body There is…

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