Get a Six Pack

Want to Get a Six Pack? Here’s What You Should Know

If you want to get a six pack, this article will help you learn what are the most important things in order to achieve it. We all know that working out is crucial to getting those six packs to show. However, there is more to it than meets the eye. Gearing all your focus and efforts on exercise alone won’t do you much…

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Drink Warm Turmeric Water in the Morning

10 Reasons to Drink Warm Turmeric Water Every Morning

A glass of warm turmeric water each morning will improve your body function as it has many health benefits. How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, so it’s important to make conscious decisions from the get-go. Spicing up your routine with a glass of warm turmeric water could be the colorful concoction you need to kick-start your…

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Independent woman

Being an Independent Woman Comes with These 4 Struggles

Being an independent woman isn't always easy. Before we talk about being an independent woman, let me say a couple of words about myself. I’ve always thought that being single (either a single mom or just plain single, no husband, partner whatsoever) is a curse in our family. My mother, my sister, my closest aunt, and most of the women in the family…

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Food Allergies - Grandparents Never Had Them

Food Allergies: Your Grandparents Never Had Them, Why Do You?

It’s a shocking fact that nowadays, many more people have food allergies than 50 years ago. It’s also interesting that your parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents didn’t have food allergies, but you do. If you don’t know why this is happening, it might be the prime time you look at your habits and the habits of the people around you. Food allergies don’t simply…

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Preventing Zika Virus Infection

3 Steps to Preventing Zika Virus Infection during Trips Abroad

These tips will help you to prevent Zika virus infection, which began to spread to all the warm countries. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has recently issued a warning to pregnant women traveling to about 30 countries where there is a high risk of infection by the Zika Virus. This is because Zika virus has been directly linked with the birth of babies…

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Benefits of Keeping a Journal

6 Benefits of Keeping a Journal for Your Personal Growth & Mental Health

Did you know that keeping a journal can help you improve your mental health and enhance your personal development? What if I told you that the most important book you will read in your life isn’t written yet? Well, at least it is not finished yet. This book is your personal journal and its writer is your inner soul that is craving to…

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Start Loving Your Hair

You Should Really Start Loving Your Hair and Here Is Why

Loving your hair is very important for the reasons you've probably never thought of. We are cutting it, we are dying it, we give it a perm, we are shaving, plucking and even lasering it. All this to get rid of the nasty, unhygienic, ugly hair(s), to make it look pretty and trimmed on our head. But what if we are fooled by…

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People Let Go of a Relationship

Why People Who Take a Long Time to Let Go of a Relationship Are the Best to Date

How long one takes to let go of a relationship tells a lot about what kind of person they are. We all have baggage that consists of previous relationships, regrets, and epic fails. But instead of running from someone who has obviously been seriously involved with their ex, knowing about previous relationships and break-ups of the person you like can tell you a…

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