Reconnect with Your Authentic Self

6 Ways to Reconnect with Your Authentic Self (and Why You Should!)

In today’s society, it’s often difficult to stay connected to our authentic self. Fortunately, there are ways we can restore this connection. We live in a culture that makes it almost impossible not to build walls around our truest, most authentic self. We learn early on to suppress emotions and portray perfect “put together selves.” This is detrimental not only to us as…

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Uplifting Quotes

10 Uplifting Quotes to Help You Get Through Tough Times

When times get tough, everyone wants to give you advice. That doesn’t always work. Uplifting quotes may be the only thing that lifts your spirits. There’s a reason why uplifting quotes make you ultimately feel better. It seems like everyone wants to say, “Be positive”, “Stop thinking about it so much”, but there are few of these people that truly understand your individual…

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Marriage Advice Revealed

Profound Marriage Advice Revealed by a Divorced Man

You may be thinking, what marriage advice could a divorcee give? But read on, you will be pleasantly surprised with what this divorced man has to say about maintaining a successful marriage. Here are sixteen pieces of marriage advice that if you are married, will help your marriage last the tests of time. If you aren’t married, it will give you some insight…

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6 Things Your Soul Wants You to Know

We all wander through life searching for a higher purpose. We live with the same questions. Who are we? Why are we here? What are we meant to be doing? Am I living my best life? Throughout my life, I have pondered these questions. My experiences with over 400 deaths as a frontline social worker in a busy ER gave me the greatest…

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Ways to Connect With Your Soul

3 Ways to Connect With Your Soul

Everyone talks about connecting with their soul or their higher self, but what does this really feel like? How do you know when you are connecting with your true essence on a deeper level? To discover your soul means to uncover your true inner being, understand your purpose and your passions and understand what makes you feel whole. Once you are aligned with…

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Past Relationship

How to Remove Attachments to a Past Relationship and Move On

PROCEED WITH CAUTION: The only way this article will make sense to you is if you have had an encounter or relationship with a soul that was put in your path to help you dive deep into clearing past life soul Karma. About five years ago, I was involved in the most manipulative and energetically parasitic relationship I could have ever imagined. I…

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Listen To Your Soul

How To Listen To Your Soul & Improve Your Manifesting Ability

Every single day, whether you are aware of it or not, you are consciously creating your experience. You are in the process of creating that which you desire over and over again. In order to become a conscious creator, you need to know where you are and where you are going. Let’s call those points “A” and “B.” Whenever we travel to new…

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Habits that Steal Your Happiness

10 Little Habits that Steal Your Happiness

You ultimately become what you repeatedly do. If your habits aren’t helping you, they’re hurting you. Here are a few examples of the latter that will steal your happiness if you let them: 1. Focusing on everyone’s story except your own. Don’t be so satisfied with the success stories of others and how things have gone for them that you forget to write…

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