Improve Your Morning Routine

Improve Your Morning Routine in 5 Ways

Admit it, morning is the most subject to the routine. Is your routine working to put you in a better mindset for the day, or is it dragging you down? Sometimes, we set ourselves up for a rough day without even realizing it. We have compiled five simple tips on how to improve your morning routine. 1. Get To Bed Early Okay, so…

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Eating Disorders in Men

Eating Disorders in Men: Causes, Effects and Treatment

When it comes to anorexia, bulimia and other disorders, we tend to think of them as a female issue. And while it's true that girls and young women are more likely to suffer from eating disorders, men are not immune to these conditions. In fact, males make up as many as 10% of all reported eating disorders, with those numbers rising all the…

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Scientific Proof That Obesity Is a Matter of Hormones

Leptin and Ghrelin: Scientific Proof That Obesity Is a Matter of Hormones

It is a common belief that fat people are made so either because of a medical condition or because they eat too much without having enough physical exercise or control over their culinary desires. Additionally, it is a common belief that fat people only need to starve a bit to lose the extra weight. As of 1997, this entire concept can be considered…

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make fried food healthier

4 Cool Tricks to Make Fried Food Healthier

Are you that type of a person who has gotten stuck with fried food? You are not alone, as many people are finding it pretty tough to ditch fried foods for better options amidst the buzz created by escalating cases of obesity in society. Here, we look at ways you can make fried food healthier for better health results. 1. Try Using Olive…

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4 Popular Diet and Exercise Fads

4 Popular Diet and Exercise Fads Debunked

No matter what day and age you grew up in, there are some diet and exercise fads that just never seem to go away. We have all seen our fair share of them, and what have we learned? Fads are not going to give you the results you want! Instead, you need a consistent routine that will contribute to the overall big picture.…

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Make Your Life Better This Year

10 Things to Avoid to Make Your Life Better This Year

January. As the kick-off month of a new year comes to its end, people bust out their new year’s resolutions in hopes of starting the year right. Fresh start. Clean slate. Since most resolutions are about the thing you SHOULD do, we flipped that and just listed down the things you should avoid to make your life better this year. 1. Leaving clean-up…

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Hungry Planet What the World Eats

Hungry Planet: How Much Food is Eaten Around the World in One Week

30 Families, 24 Countries, 600 Meals - One Extraordinary Book. In Hungry Planet, Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio present a photographic study of families from around the world, revealing what people eat during the course of one week. Each family's profile includes a detailed description of their weekly food purchases; photographs of the family at home, at the market, and in their community;…

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List of Whole Foods and Their Medicinal Benefits

A Must See List of Whole Foods and Their Medicinal Benefits

For the first 5000 years of civilization, humans relied on foods and herbs for medicine. Only in the past 50 years have we forgotten our medicinal "roots" in favor of patent medicines. While pharmaceuticals have their value, we should not forget the well-documented, non-toxic and inexpensive healing properties of whole foods. The following list is but a sampling of the health benefits from…

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