Love Letter

How to Write a Captivating Love Letter to Express Your Feelings

In the contemporary world, people are preoccupied with the Internet and different gadgets that is why they become more practical and less romantic. Therefore, a handwritten love letter is a rare sign of romance in the digital age. There are many ways to express your feelings, but the most romantic and touching way is to write a love letter to your beloved person.…

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how to make a long-distance relationship work

How to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work and 5 Signs That It’s Worth It

Is it possible? If you want to make a long-distance relationship work, then be prepared to improvise, compromise, and have loads of patience. So, it turns out that you’ve met the love of your life. The problem is, the two of you are hundreds of miles apart. It doesn’t mean the relationship won’t work if it is a long-distance one, however. Yes, it…

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Unconditional Love

5 Signs of True Unconditional Love: Are You Experiencing It?

Unconditional love is one of the most amazing things to experience, providing loyalty, kindness, and affection, and it seems to be the thing that everyone is looking for, no matter who they are. Unconditional love differs from other forms of love for a number of reasons. It can come from a parent, a friend or a lover, and allows us to be exactly…

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a Platonic Friendship

What Is a Platonic Friendship and 6 Reasons Why It’s a Great Experience

There are many different kinds of love in the world, so what do we mean when we talk about platonic love or platonic friendship? When we talk about platonic love, we usually mean love between two people that are close but are not romantic. We experience this love all the time with friends and it creates a potentially intense closeness between the two.…

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Emotional Detachment in Relationships

5 Signs of Emotional Detachment in Relationships: How to Cope

Emotional detachment in a relationship can be extremely painful to deal with. It often happens over the course of a romantic relationship and leaves people feeling isolated and confused. Emotional detachment is not exclusive to romantic relationships, it can happen within friendships and families. The common theme between the breakdown of all these relationships is the lack of communication that leads to detachment.…

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Relationship Rules

10 Golden Relationship Rules Revealed by Marriage Therapists

Falling in love is wonderful, but getting married is a completely different level in relationships. That’s why it’s so important to understand relationship rules offered by marriage counselors. When you’re young, falling in love seems easy. You think that just because you’re attracted to someone and love to spend time together, that this is enough to make a lifelong commitment. Well, think again.…

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Open Relationship

You Are in an Open Relationship If You Can Relate to These Things

An open relationship has been becoming an increasingly popular option for people who are looking to expand their horizons about what a relationship should and could be between two people. It is not a new concept, but people are more openly discussing their decisions to be in an open relationship. This could be thanks to the rise of the internet age and the…

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twin flame love signs

4 Ways Twin Flame Love Is Different from Other Kinds of Love

Twin flame love is sometimes described as fairy-tale love. How to recognize your twin flame when you meet them? As people and relationships develop, so does the way that we fall in love and love others. There are a lot of different kinds of love out there, and when you’re in the midst of a loving relationship, it can be difficult to differentiate…

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