Ways a Man in Love Behaves Differently

7 Ways a Man in Love Behaves Differently Than a Woman in Love

I bet you have often wondered why a man in love is so different than a woman in love. There are some good reasons why the behavior varies between the sexes. This is not just an opinion, but even researchers have scientifically demonstrated that a man in love acts differently than a woman in love. Firstly, when a man falls in love with…

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how to make people like you

How to Make People Like You with These 15 Psychological Hacks

Do you want to know how to make people like you? If so, did you know that scientists have researched this very subject and found psychological reasons why we naturally gravitate to some and not others? Some of their findings you might not have heard of and have fancy names like spontaneous trait transference. Others are more familiar like mirroring body language. So…

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Feeling Unwanted

7 Causes of Feeling Unwanted Which Have Roots in Your Childhood

If you’re feeling unwanted, it could be more than moodiness. These feelings could derive from a childhood event thought to be long forgotten. Feeling unwanted doesn't always come from being loved incorrectly. Sometimes feeling unwanted or unloved comes from the inability to feel love. Sometimes it stems from unhealthy social interactions or feelings of incompetence. There are so many reasons why a person…

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How to Break up With Someone you Love

How to Break up With Someone You Love & How to Know If It’s Necessary

Learning how to break up with someone you love can be a difficult task. It’s never easy to leave who you thought was your soulmate. I’ve been in many relationships, and I’ve been dumped and I’ve done the dumping. It’s never easy either way. In fact, one time when I broke up with a guy, I cried and he didn’t. How strange, huh?…

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Listen to Your Heart

You Should Listen to Your Heart and Not Your Head in These 5 Situations

Should you listen to your heart or mind? That’s a serious battle, right there. Sometimes it seems like the heart has a mind of its own. It convinces you to do the wrong thing, and then you regret the decisions you took without actual consideration. Sometimes, however, the mind works as a counterbalance. It convinces you to stay reasonable and put the heart…

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10 Warning Signs of Self-Sabotage That May Cost You Happiness and Success

Self-sabotage is often that one thing that stops us from living your dreams. Could you be sabotaging yourself without even knowing? Check out the 10 signs below. Whether you are guilty of self-sabotage or not, most probably, you have a dream life. In your dream life, everything is perfect the way you want them to be. You are working on your dream job.…

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is love at first sight real

Is Love at First Sight Real? Here Is What Science Has to Say

Have you ever felt the rush, the thrill that is love? Then ask yourself whether love at first sight is real. Well, guess what? Science may have an answer for that! Is love at first sight real? Well, I once thought so, but now, I’m not so sure. I’ve seen love come in many ways – immediately or after a long friendship. So,…

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Falling out of Love

8 Signs of Falling out of Love That Indicate Your Relationship Is Heading to a Dead End

Do you feel like falling out of love with your partner? If the signs below are ringing true for you, then it may mean that your romantic love is dwindling. Not all relationships are built to last. Some are short are intense whilst others fizzle out slowly over time. Both can be extremely hard to process. Falling in love is a rollercoaster of…

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