What Love Is Science Philosophy Religion

What Love Is According to Science, Philosophy and Religion

The most popular Google search for last year was the question: “What is Love?” And the Guardian newspaper asked five "experts" to answer what love is. A physicist, a psychotherapist, a philosopher, an author of romantic novels and a nun gave their answer to the question about Love, from their personal perspective on the subject. 1. The Physicist "Love is chemistry" (Answers Jim…

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Priceless Things Money Will Never Be Able To Buy

7 Priceless Things That Money Will Never Be Able To Buy

I love money – as we all do. Yet, money isn’t everything. There are things in life that are much more important than money itself, or anything that money is capable of buying. The reality is that even though we live in a capitalist world, the most valuable things in life come without a price tag. This is important to keep in mind…

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Myths About Dating Keeping You Single

8 Myths About Dating That Are Keeping You Single

Dating is an adventure. And adventures can be fun … or they can be disastrous. I want your dating adventure to be fun, which is why I wrote this article for you. Below are eight surprising myths about dating that are important for you to know. Learning these myths will help you have a lot more fun and success while you're out there…

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Finding Your Soulmate

Psychology Finally Reveals the Answer to Finding Your Soulmate

We all have a deep desire to find that one perfect person to spend the rest of our days with. That one person when we meet, you feel an uncontrollable desire and an illogical sense of familiarity with. As if you’ve known that person for a lifetime, or perhaps lifetimes. Whatever you want to call it, films and TV series alike have romanticized…

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The 5 Greatest Gifts You Can Give To Your Loved Ones

The 5 Greatest Gifts You Can Give To Your Loved Ones

There's a huge mistake that many people make when it comes to finding love. In this article, I'm going to tell you what that mistake is, and how to change it so you can attract the relationship you want. We often think of gifts as material goods, and we often demonstrate our love for those who are close to us through material gifts.…

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Things You Need to Say Before it’s Too Late

10 Things You Need to Say Before it’s Too Late

Say what you need to say before it's too late. Be brave. When you don’t speak up, there’s a lot of important stuff that ends up not getting said. About a decade ago a coworker of mine died in a car accident on the way home from work. During his funeral several people from the office were in tears, saying kind things like,…

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