There are many common insomnia causes that can affect your sleeping routine. This article will shed some light on this matter.

There are several insomnia causes that affect millions of people around the world.

“Insomnia also may result from a variety of medical conditions, pain, and even the treatments for these disorders. And poor sleep hygiene can make these medical conditions worse”, said Michael J. Breus, Ph.D.

Since the body really needs to rest from six to ten hours at night (depending on the age), imagine how devastating it is for you not to sleep.

10 most common insomnia causes

Knowing about the underlying causes that can result in insomnia is a great start before heading to the doctor. Here you have some common insomnia causes:

1. Chronic Pain

You wouldn’t be able to sleep if you are having any discomforts. That is why, you can become an insomniac if you have any of the following diseases (there are tons more): low back pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia.

These can be quite painful and can easily keep you from sleeping at night.

2. Clinic Depression

Worrying too much can keep us awake from time to time. But an underlying clinical depression can be blamed for your sleeping problems. And to make matter worse, when it combines with anxiety, it can actually be dangerous.

According to the medical journal WebMD, “80 percent of people with depression have trouble falling or staying asleep”.

3. Medications

Among the insomnia causes, you can find certain drugs. For example, there are meds that contain caffeine or other stimulants which can interfere with your bedtime.

Some prescription medications have been proven to meddle with your REM sleep, melatonin production and the production of your body’s natural enzymes. Fortunately, this can be easily fixed by going to the doctor.

4. Eating and Drinking Habits

You may not even know it, but you could be sabotaging your sleep with what you drink or eat close to your sleeping time. Many experts recommend avoiding drinking caffeine for least 6 hours before sleeping. Remember that caffeine is not just present in coffee.

It can also be found in chocolates, sweets, and in “decaf” coffee. Also, don’t drink alcohol since it can wake you up later at night. Likewise, when possible, avoid eating a huge meal close to bedtime, which will make your digestive system work overtime.

5. Neurological Disease

Other serious insomnia causes include neurological illnesses like Alzheimer, strokes and Parkinson’s. Since these diseases affect the regions of the brain that produce the chemicals which make us sleep, any night rest is nearly impossible.

Sometimes, its fault belongs to the medications you take to treat these diseases.

6. Sleep Disorder

There is a disease called the Restless Sleep Disorder (RLS), which can cause a bad sensation in the legs and can result in an incapacity to sleep.

According to the Hopkins Institute, “An estimated 5 to 10 percent of people have RLS. Even when people with RLS get treatment that alleviates the desire to move the legs, sleepless nights often continue”.

7. Allergies

Among these insomnia causes, allergies are one of the most frequent. If you have experienced itchy or watery eyes and a stuffed-up nose, just know that this is a deathly combination which can prevent you from sleeping.

It has been proven that over 50% of people with nasal allergies can have trouble sleeping. According to a study of WebMD back in 2006, “(…) people with allergies were found to be more than twice as likely to suffer from a sleep disorder like insomnia”.

8. Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD) are an important term that covers a spectrum of problems that can affect a person while asleep. Sleep apnea is a common condition which needs to be diagnosed fast.

When you suffer from sleep apnea, you have frequent pauses in breathing due to obstructions in the breathing passages. This will wake you up.

9. Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep

This disease is not easily treatable. It produces an intermittent movement while a person is asleep. This movement is usually reserved to lower limbs. As a whole, it can affect toes, knees or hips.

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, there was “(…) insufficient evidence that recommends pharmacological treatment”.

10. Night Cramps

This is an illness that affects the elderly quite often, but people with arthritis can also be affected. These cramps occur in toes, feet, and legs and they can force you to wake up and apply pressure to the affected area.

Unless treated, it can go for several months at a time.

Most common insomnia causes


Now that we have covered some important information about the most common insomnia causes, it could be wise to see a doctor and find out if any of these illnesses could be to blame for your sleep problems.


By Daniel G.

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