A winning smile is always charming, and a row of perfectly straight, even teeth is a sight for sore eyes. But this can’t happen if tooth enamel becomes damaged.

It gives our teeth strength, and we must treat it well. We’ll show you how it erodes and what destroys it. We also suggest a few natural remedies to prevent erosion.

How does tooth enamel become eroded?

Enamel is the outer lining of the teeth. It’s tenacious and protects them when you bite. It’s transparent, which means that you can see through it. Taking care of it’s essential because the damage is permanent once it happens. When acid wears it down, it erodes.

What destroys tooth enamel?

What causes acid to collect and erode your teeth? These are a few possibilities.

1. Too Many Soft Drinks

First of all, fruit juices have acids that harm the teeth when consumed in excess. Carbonated drinks also contain phosphoric and citric acids that erode enamel.

2. Dry Mouth

Also called Xerostomia, the Dry Mouth Syndrome reduces the flow of saliva in the mouth, consequently increasing its acid content and eroding tooth enamel. Patients who take several medications tend to develop this condition.

3. Poor Oral Hygiene

Some people develop poor oral habits like chewing on pens. Many don’t bother to brush their teeth because they’re too tired. The enamel erodes, and teeth gradually decay.

4. Gastrointestinal Problems

Gastrointestinal problems also explain why it erodes. Frequent vomiting and Acid Reflux brings acidic content to the mouth and wears down tooth enamel. This study shows that GERD erodes tooth enamel and triggers the salivary glands.

5. Genes

In some instances, a person’s genes make him or her predisposed to tooth enamel erosion. This research suggests that metabolic diseases such as diabetes, cancers (particularly of the head and neck), and developmental defects such as a cleft palate may also erode tooth enamel.

6. Medication

Finally, medication such as antihistamines and aspirin may introduce acids into the mouth and erode tooth enamel.

Tooth Enamel Erosion Symptoms

Tooth Enamel Erosion Symptoms

Tooth enamel is transparent, so it’s difficult to know whether it has eroded. Here’s how to tell if it has.

1. Discoloration

First of all, your teeth would become discolored. The enamel wears down and exposes the dentin beneath. The teeth grow yellow.

2. Sensitivity

Also, as the coating wears down, the teeth become sensitive to some foods. You’ll experience pain when you chew.

3. Cracks

Finally, you will see cracks on the teeth, and they’ll become more rough, irregular, and jagged.

Natural Remedies to Prevent It

If you dread being in a dentist’s chair, you may want to try these natural remedies. You may not be able to replace your tooth enamel, but you can strengthen demineralized areas.

1. Regular Brushing

First of all, brushing is necessary for removing bacteria. Cavities occur because the bacteria Streptococcus accumulates. A 2016 study shows that regular brushing eliminates the germs that can lead to a loss of minerals.

2. Avoid Sugar

Your dentist warned you to avoid sugar, and he or she wasn’t wrong. Sugar has a high amount of acid and interacts with Streptococcus bacteria, eroding enamel as a result. Research has found that consuming sugar in small amounts on a regular basis leads to demineralization.

3. Chew Sugarless Gum

Furthermore, sugar-free gum removes plaque and carbs from teeth. It also encourages the salivary glands to produce sugar, according to a study. Sugar-free also blocks mineral loss. Xylitol and Sorbitol appear to be beneficial sugar-free ingredients.

4. Eat fruits and drink juices

Fruits are essential for a balanced diet, but some are highly acidic. Grapefruit and oranges are the worst culprits. Fruits start the process of calcium chelation. The acid in them binds to chip away the enamel. If you’re losing tooth enamel, it’s best to avoid juices and eat fruits only on occasion.

5. Calcium and Vitamins

Another reason you should work hard to prevent tooth enamel erosion is that acid erodes calcium over time. A study found that eating cheese rich in calcium could counter the effects of sugar.

Another 2012 study revealed that taking Vitamin D supplements could prevent cavities. So, have your daily dose of vitamins if you want healthy teeth.

6. A decrease in Dairy Product Consumption

Dairy products are rich sources of calcium, but they have lactose. The lactose in milk may increase the acid in your mouth. Just replace regular milk with lactose-free milk.

7. Take Probiotics

Probiotics can work to prevent demineralization, but it’s essential to choose strains that the mouth produces naturally. You’ll avoid introducing potentially harmful strains of bacteria.

8. Prevent Dry Mouth

Dry mouth occurs when there isn’t enough saliva. Saliva keeps the mouth comfortable and prevents cavities. The International Journal Of Nanomedicine says that saliva is an essential part of remineralization.

9. Reduce Starch

Bread, rice, and potatoes have simple carbs. They increase the sugars in the mouth, which can destroy your teeth. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition confirms that the instance of tooth decay is higher when a person eats starchy foods with sugar.

10. Drink Water

Water is the preferred beverage among medical professionals. It’s sugar-free and removes harmful toxins from the body. Rinsing your mouth with water reduces demineralization. This technique is useful when you eat foods that are acidic or sugary.

Coffee isn’t off-limits, but they don’t remineralize our teeth. Adding sugar makes these drinks disastrous for oral health. Since sodas are acidic, we should limit them as well.

In all, some common-sense lifestyle changes will prevent the loss of tooth enamel. Do try some of these natural remedies.

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