Natural remedies for various health issues, herbal medicine tips, acupuncture secrets and other alternative therapy methods you can safely use at home.

Make Shroom Tea Incredible Health Benefits

How to Make Shroom Tea That Has Incredible Health Benefits

Shroom tea and other mushroom-based drinks are the newest health food craze to hit the Western world. Lattes, potions, creams and tonics containing mushroom have exceptional healing benefits according to health practitioners. The same is true about shroom tea and other similar drinks. The mushrooms with the most significant health benefits are Reishi, Chaga, Lion’s mane, and Cordyceps. These particular mushrooms have been…

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Eating Raw Weed Good

Eating Raw Weed Could Be Good for You – Here Is Why

Is it true that eating raw weed has a number of health benefits? Let’s find out. If we eat raw weed, can this have benefits for our health? Wherever you go on the internet, the cannabis debate is hotly contested. The majority of liberals found online argue that the many laws around using cannabis were set up before much was really known about…

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Black Garlic Superfood Health Benefits

Black Garlic: a Little-Known Superfood with Powerful Health Benefits

Most people don’t really fancy black garlic. As a matter of fact, many perceive it as burnt or made from additives and preservatives. Well, this is not the case! Black garlic is made from fermented bulbs of fresh garlic in a humidity controlled environment. The whole process is not mainly as a result of fermentation as there are some microbial metabolism and chemical…

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Get Rid of Migraine

How to Get Rid of Migraine in 5 Minutes with This Simple Homemade Drink

Are you looking for a way to get rid of migraine naturally, easily and fast? This homemade drink will help you out! Salt is one of the essential minerals for the human body. You will be surpised to know that among other things, salt can also help you get rid of migraine. Even though you have probably heard how unhealthy is the overconsumption…

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Natural Depression Treatments Keep Away Heavy Medication

10 Natural Depression Treatments That Will Keep You Away from Heavy Medication

These natural depression treatments will help you to find yourself again while staying away from the harmful effects of antidepressants. Ever since our existence, we the humans are always seeking for new natural ways to heal ourselves, including natural depression treatments. Nature has been taking care of our health and inner balance for centuries. Unfortunately, with the expansion of modern medicine, natural treatment…

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Jojoba Oil Uses Benefits Glowing Skin

7 Surprising Jojoba Oil Uses and Benefits for Glowing Skin

There are some jojoba oil uses and benefits for your skin care you may not know about and that will make you want to use it daily! Jojoba oil is extracted from the nut of an American shrub which is mostly found in the arid regions of the United States. It comes with a number of surprising benefits for the skin and hair.…

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Make Homemade Detox Foot Pads Remove Toxins

Do Homemade Detox Foot Pads Really Remove Toxins from Your Body?

We consume different kinds of processed unhealthy foods, soft drinks and alcohol. There is a popular claim that homemade detox foot pads can remove toxins from these substances. Is it true? Let's find out. Other bad habits, such as cigarettes, are greatly affecting the health of modern humans. Also, there is the pollution of the environment, unhealthy lifestyle… In this way, all different…

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How to Increase Serotonin Levels Naturally

How to Increase Your Serotonin Levels Naturally to Stop Feeling Sad, Depressed and Bad-Tempered

It is possible to increase your serotonin levels naturally – here is how! Serotonin is an important brain chemical that helps to improve mood and stops feelings of depression and anxiety. That's why when we have low serotonin levels, our emotional state may suffer. This is a molecule of willpower and its deficiency can lead to the inability to create and take actions…

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