Natural remedies for various health issues, herbal medicine tips, acupuncture secrets and other alternative therapy methods you can safely use at home.

Start Drinking Alkaline Water

What Happens to Your Body When You Start Drinking Alkaline Water

Drinking alkaline water has lots of amazing benefits for your body. The mystery of water is simple. Water is life! The better the quality and amount of water, the better the quality of life. Many civilizations started around a good source of water and their myths are including the stories about the importance of water. Besides hydrating us, it’s our main purifier and…

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Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu Technique to Use If You Feel Anxious, Depressed or Nervous

Do you feel anxious, depressed or nervous? Well, know that each finger has an emotional connection to your emotions. Ancient medicine is surely perplexing! If you are doubting this, then you have not heard of an ancient Japanese healing method known as Jin Shin Jyutsu. Well, if this is new to you, I hope you read through this article as your mind will…

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Drink Baking Soda

What Happens When You Drink Baking Soda (and Other Uses)

In this article, you'll learn why you should drink baking soda. For decades, baking soda has been carrying the name of a powerful "magic powder." It really can be used in many ways and can make one's life easier. Besides being good for cleaning, facial and skin care, as well as many other clever ways, baking soda is most known as a natural…

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Hunza People Never Get Sick

Hunza People Rarely Get Sick, Don’t Get Cancer and Live Long Lives – Here’s Why

Have you ever heard of the Hunza People? Learn how to live longer by separating myth from fact, and utilizing natural solutions. There are many myths and stories about people, such as the Hunza people, who lived happy and healthy for a long, long time. Some of these myths are just that, a hoax, and that's why separating these ideas from facts are…

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Urine uses

Most Unexpected Urine Uses or Why You Should Pee in the Shower

There are some urine uses that you probably never thought or heard about. You must have heard those survival stories where someone saved his or her own life by drinking urine! Yes, urine. That sounds disgusting, but it’s time to unravel the facts in your ‘number one’ call to the washroom. First, did you know that urine is sterile, nontoxic and it mainly…

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natural homemade sunscreen recipe

How to Make Homemade Sunscreen Using Natural Ingredients Only

Why not try making your own homemade sunscreen this summer? We have a natural and easy recipe for you! Everyone knows how much vitamin D is vital to our bodies. Well, this is the vitamin that is responsible for building your immune system, strong bones, hormone system and teeth. In other words, never run away from the sun! That said, too much exposure…

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Drink Warm Turmeric Water in the Morning

10 Reasons to Drink Warm Turmeric Water Every Morning

A glass of warm turmeric water each morning will improve your body function as it has many health benefits. How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, so it’s important to make conscious decisions from the get-go. Spicing up your routine with a glass of warm turmeric water could be the colorful concoction you need to kick-start your…

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How to relieve stress through massage

5 Pressure Points to Relieve Stress You Should Know about

Your body has some pressure points that when stimulated and massaged, can help to relieve stress and other health problems. Stress has and will affect us all at some point or many points in our life. For some it’s where to go on holiday next, for others, it's how they will pay their rent this month. Symptoms of stress can include chest pains,…

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