Have you ever wondered what causes a lack of appetite or even overeating? There are many types of eating disorders and the causes for these illnesses just might surprise you.
There isn’t just one type of eating disorder. In fact, there are more than a few types of eating disorders. Each one of these disorders is characterized by specific habits and fears.
These feelings are just as strong as those with generalized anxiety or depression and should be taken seriously. As you learn about the types of eating disorders, you also need to understand the definition cause of these illnesses.
Eating Disorders: Irregular eating habits and severe distress or concern.
Types of eating disorders
Usually, the eating disorder can trick you into thinking your habits are logical. This trick is what makes the victim continue upon the unhealthy road of starvation or gluttony. Let’s take a look at the 5 main types of eating disorders and the root of these problems.
1. Anorexia Nervosa
Those who suffer from anorexia nervosa have an unrealistic view of themselves. No matter how much weight is lost, they seem to see themselves as overweight.
The true unrealistic part of this scenario is actually the fact that these sufferers are starving themselves. They aren’t getting near the amount of nutrition that they should.
Anorexia Nervosa can cause permanent damage to the body. Brain damage, bone loss, and infertility are just some of the horrific effects of this detrimental habit.
The root of the problem:
People who suffer from anorexia nervosa tend to have low self-esteem. They also seem to lean toward perfectionism, and this is why dieting is never enough to rid them of their unwanted body fat. Environmental factors could have played a role in the past along with genetics.
2. Bulimia Nervosa
Unlike Anorexia, Bulimia doesn’t restrict the intake of large amounts of food. In fact, those who suffer from Bulimia are prone to binge eat, followed by purging of this food. Some sufferers, however, may not purge the food, rather, they may partake in extensive exercise or take laxatives to remove the food quickly.
After each session of removing binged foods, the sufferer will feel severe guilt. Long-term effects of these actions can cause severe dehydration and damage to the gastrointestinal system.
The root of the problem:
Again, perfectionism may be the culprit. Another cause of Bulimia Nervosa could be past trauma or family relations. Sometimes, pressures from others can cause the desire to lose massive amounts of weight in a short period of time. This can be dangerous, to say the least.
3. Orthorexia
This disorder may not seem like a disorder to some, but it is. Obsessively checking ingredients, choosing to eat only organic foods and exclude all others, yes, is an eating disorder.
Now, it might not seem so dangerous at first, and yes, your goal is to transform your nutritional lifestyle, but these things can get out of hand.
Pretty soon, you won’t even go out to eat in fear of unhealthy foods, even purging foods just because they could be a bit unhealthy. Again, this behavior can do damage to your body depending on how you choose to eliminate and obsess.
The root of the problem:
Failed diets, self-esteem, perfectionism – these are all psychological causes of Orthorexia. Although past trauma could have an effect, its usually a rare cause, second to obsessive-compulsive disorder bleeding into your eating habits.
4. ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder)
Selective food disorder is another name for this problem. You may think it’s normal for someone to be a picky eater, but it can get out of hand fast. This becomes a disorder when someone is so picky that they will only eat a handful of foods, creating a situation that resembles anorexia nervosa.
Yes, you can lose just as much weight being picky as refusing to eat out of low self-esteem. The same things can happen to your health too, including effects on the brain and the cardiovascular system.
The root of the problem:
Most of the time, the psychological causes of ARFID revolve around food phobias. Sometimes these phobias can create so much fear that refusal to eat is better, in the mind of the sufferer than eating something they think is disgusting. Other than phobias, there’s little understanding where these feelings come from.
5. Binge Eating Disorder
Unlike Bulimia Nervosa, binge eating, in this case, is not followed by purging. Instead, sufferers sometimes become obese from overeating. Damage to the health can be seen inheart attacks, diabetes and loss of mobility.
The root of the problem:
Binge eating comes from many psychological secret places. Low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and other issues can cause the lack of control when eating. Binge eating is seen as a way to find comfort away from life’s problems. Eating becomes like a security blanket.
Signs of eating disorders:
- Depression or chronic fatigue
- Switching between fasting and overeating
- Severe Weight Changes
- Obsession with food or cooking but not eating
- Obsession with calories or fat intake
- Avoiding social functions
- Strange food rituals (hiding, cutting food into tiny pieces)
There is hope
If you suffer from any of these types of eating disorders, don’t be silent. Disorders such as this are not only detrimental to your health, but they are deadly as well.
The good news is, there are many people who are willing to support sufferers of eating disorders, and many professionals with the expertise to turn your life around.
If your loved one is suffering and you recognize any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate to seek help for them as well. Most importantly, be a friend and make sure they never feel alone in their struggles.