Feeling Lonely Relationship

What to Do When You Are Feeling Lonely in a Relationship

Are you feeling lonely in your relationship? Most people believe that once you’re in a serious relationship, you will never feel lonely again. How could you possibly feel alone when you’ve got someone on your side loving, supporting and motivating you? However, if you’re feeling lonely in a relationship, you’re not alone. Every couple at some point experiences this problem… After some time,…

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Signs of Emotional Maturity

7 Signs of Emotional Maturity: How Many Can You Relate to?

Do you think there is a certain age at which emotional maturity sets in? 18 or 21? 30 or even 40? Maybe 70? Who can tell?! There are young people who are mature well beyond their years, and on the other hand, there are much older people who act so childish! So, what are the main character traits of emotionally mature people? When…

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Signs That You Are Being Taken for Granted

4 Signs That You Are Being Taken for Granted & What to Do

Do you feel that you are being taken for granted by your relationship? Whether at work or in your personal life, people may take you for granted. It’s never a nice feeling, and it could seriously affect your mental well-being as well as your relationships. Check out these signs to find out if you are being taken for granted – and see how you…

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Random Acts of Kindness

10 Random Acts of Kindness from Children That Will Keep Your Faith in Humanity Alive

These random acts of kindness will leave you speechless and make you wonder whether we are doing all we can to create a better world for our children. An 18th-century German philosopher said that we are living in the best of all possible worlds. While it is true that things can be much worse than they currently are, it is far from true…

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Friends and Other People Mistreat You

5 Reasons Why Your Friends and Other People Mistreat You

Do your friends or people in your circle mistreat you? In this article, you will learn why this happens and how to stop anyone from doing it. Friendships are always very different and unique. We all have friends! Some of us have a lot of them; some of us have only a few, but human interactions and building connections are in our nature…

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Most People Are Afraid of Love

6 Reasons Why Most People Are Afraid of Love: Are You?

Philophobia, or the state of being afraid of love, originates from the Greek word “Φίλος” which means ‘loving or beloved’. People who suffer from this phobia fear romantic love and emotional attachments of any sort. Whilst this condition may sound rare, a lot of people are afraid of love, even if they don’t recognize it in themselves. There can be many complex reasons why…

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Loving Yourself Enough

3 Signs You Aren’t Loving Yourself Enough, and How to Fix It

Do you think that you may not be loving yourself enough? Let's find out. My mother always told me that if I didn’t love myself, I couldn’t accept the love that someone else wanted to share with me; and I think she was incredibly insightful when she said that. We are bombarded with beautiful, successful people on a daily basis, and it’s easy…

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Stop Justifying Yourself to Others

7 Reasons Why You Should Stop Justifying Yourself to Others and Just Do Your Thing

Are you used to justifying yourself? In this article, you will find some good reasons to stop doing it. What people think of me is none of my business! After all, I don’t think about them at all. Justifying yourself can simply be defined as explaining who you are, why you are who you are, why you believe what you believe, why you…

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