Common Traits of All Open-Minded People

10 Common Traits of All Open-Minded People

Being open-minded is always at the top of the list of when it comes to traits and habits you need to acquire to be a happy person. Not being open-minded is a surefire way to dwell in misery forever. This is because narrow-minded people are never able to stretch their thoughts, knowledge, and ideas beyond a self-constructed boundary that prevents them from seeing…

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Top Self-Improvement Apps to Achieve Your Goals

7 Top Self-Improvement Apps to Achieve Your Goals

Are you constantly mad at the entire world? You watch the news and witness how humanity has taken the wrong turn? You wish you could make a change, but you don’t know where to start? Here is a suggestion: start improving yourself! Imagine where you want to be in ten years. How can you make the world a better place? No matter what…

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How to Discover Who You Really Are

How to Discover Who You Really Are

Who am I? Everyone says that you should just ‘be yourself’ but what does that even mean? What does being yourself really feel like? The only way to know how to be yourself is to understand who you are at your deepest, core level. Who you are is not your job, your name or the labels you have given yourself through the years.…

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Failure to Launch in Your Life

6 Ways to Combat the Failure to Launch in Your Life

Remember when you were a kid and your parents told you anything was possible in your life? The sky was the limit, they said, and you believed them. Being cut from the soccer team, setting fire to your chemistry set, getting turned down by your kindergarten crush — no setback was damning enough to shake your confidence or destroy your faith in the…

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Improve More by Learning Less

3 Steps to Improve More by Learning Less

What a world we live in. The information age, as it’s being called, provides us with exactly that: information. For better or for worse, any question we have, any answer we require, or any ailment we’re trying to cure, is at our fingertips. I mentioned that all this information could be for worse, but how is that so? How can more data and…

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take your power back

How To Take Your Power Back In 3 Simple Steps

The moment we look outside of ourselves for the answer, or love, or safety, we give our power away to whatever it is we're reaching for, and we disconnect from the truth that we have all we need inside of us. This means that when we go within, we find the love and all of our answers; it's from this internal space of…

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Ways That Yoga has Helped Me

7 Ways That Yoga has Helped Me

Yoga has really helped me to center on the here and now. After dealing with anxiety for as long as I can remember, I have always looked for other ways to keep myself calmer. I really struggle to keep myself in the here and now at times, always worrying about things that haven’t happened yet. It’s been crippling at times as it’s not…

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Raise Your Vibration

How to Raise Your Vibration and Find Your Authentic Self

Everything in existence vibrates at a specific frequency. Did you know it's possible to raise your vibration? Whether it's a rock, a flower, even a human being, we all have vibrations. You can raise your vibration too! Even the planet earth has a certain vibration and a consciousness as well, yes it thinks!. Underneath our feet, if we pay attention, we can feel…

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