10 Common Phrases People Say to their Partner That Kill Relationships

Common Phrases People Say to Their Partners and Kill Love

Relationships improve as people grow close. Closeness can only happen if two people interact and communicate with each other. While this seems like a tall order, it is within your control. One of the actions you can take to improve your relationships is to avoid using the common phrases that spoil them. These are the things you may say, albeit unconsciously, that may…

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Toxic Family Members

Toxic Family Members and How to Recognize Them

The words "toxic family members"make my stomach turn. Let me help you recognize these people and improve your relationship with them. First off, it’s hard to talk about something that has impacted my life with such fierce control. This is especially true if you’re still dealing with said toxic family members. Oftentimes, I’d rather talk about something else to keep from becoming overwhelmed…

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People Become Victims Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic Abuse: 6 Types of People Who Are More Likely to Be Victims

Being in a relationship with a narcissist can leave a person feeling shattered. Narcissists are master manipulators, so it is hard to avoid their clutches. How can victims of narcissistic abuse help themselves? There are ways to break free from the torment. The first step is to understand that they are victims. Note that victims of psychological torture have distinct traits. Once they…

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Love Highly Sensitive Person

To Love a Highly Sensitive Person, There Are a Few Things You Should Know

Loving a highly sensitive person is not always easy, but it’s not a curse. You have to understand their unique beauty and emotions. I am a highly sensitive person, and I love one too. Boy, is our relationship a whirlwind sometimes. On the other hand, it can be the most passionate and loving experience, filled with sensual adventures…ahem. Well, enough about that. When…

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Recognize Controlling Behavior Stages Relationship

How to Recognize Controlling Behavior in the Early Stages of a Relationship

Are you frightened of offending your partner? Are you unexpectedly quiet and reserved when he or she is around? A manipulative or abusive relationship can run you ragged both physically and emotionally. If you have such a partner, you will want to leave the relationship as early as possible. However, romantic involvement can make you oblivious to controlling behavior. Controlling personalities have ways…

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Small Things People Unwillingly Use Judge You

11 Small Things People Unwillingly Use to Judge You

People may judge you over small things, like how you drive. This phenomenon is what experts term the 'spotlight effect.' People do not typically pay attention to others, especially strangers, but they notice a heap when they do. It is usually over trivial matters, like whether you bite your nails. You may not think that trivialities amount to anything, but they have more…

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Going Through Midlife Crisis

10 Signs That You Are Going Through a Midlife Crisis

Have you bought a new sports car or purchased new jewelry lately? Is your impulse buying becoming obsessive? Are you over 40? You may have a midlife crisis to manage. If you suspect that your spouse is going through one or if you are doing so yourself, you may want to know its signs. More importantly, you must know how to deal with…

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what men find attractive

7 Myths about What Men Find Attractive in Women Debunked

Many women have the wrong idea about what exactly it is that men find attractive. Here we debunk some of the most common myths. When you have come home from yet another unsuccessful date or are the victim of being ghosted, it’s easy to blame yourself and how you look. We often muse “I’ll never find someone” or “if only I looked like…”.…

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